Chapter 86

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February 23, 2017

Louis' POV



The voices of my youngest siblings yank me out of sleep. I keep my eyes closed, waiting to see what they'll do next.




"Oof!" I jerk up, my eyes flying open. Ernie has just launched himself onto my stomach. "Woah, woah, let's be gentle, alright?"

I pull him next to me and get Doris to come up for cuddles too. I'm still a little sleepy, though it's well past ten already. They snuggle in on either side of me, blankies in hand. This is perfect. I'm so happy to just be here like this with my family, though it's going to end soon.

We spend the morning just hanging out, me and the two little ones, and I order pizza for lunch. I get a text just after noon with a message from Eleanor, reminding me that I had promised to go to Vegas with her next week. Before we do that, I need to meet with a few people in both London and LA, stuff about music and writing.

But first, I need to call Liam, because this will change our ageplay schedule.

"Lou! What's up?" Liam asks, clearly happy that I've called him.

"Hey Li," I greet, leaning back on the couch and watching Doris and Ernie try to put together a puzzle. "I have a request."

"Yeah, sure, what is it?"

I hope he's going to be okay with this, I don't know if he'll agree. "I'm going to Vegas with El next week. I know we were supposed to meet up on the 30th, but do you think we could push it back? I'll be back in LA on the third, can we do it then?"

Liam hums thoughtfully. C'mon Li, just say yes, I just want to go on a holiday for a bit. "Well, I guess that would be alright. I'm a bit worried about you being big for so long though."

I sigh. Really, Liam? "I'll be fine, I promise. It's not like I'm going to be particularly stressed. I'm taking a week off!" Ernie wanders over to my couch and climbs up beside me, trying to take my phone out of my hands. "I've gotta go, Li. I'll text you later." I hang up before he can respond and pass the phone to Ernie, keeping a close eye on what he's doing even though I know he'll go straight for the camera like he always does. He loves playing with the filters and stuff. Doris comes and joins us after a bit and we end up taking silly selfies for almost an hour. I won't delete any of them anytime soon, because I miss these kids so much when I'm not home.

In the evening, I pack up my stuff and head back home, preparing to head to London for meetings tomorrow. I spend the drive back contemplating what Liam said. Is it actually going to be problematic to go so long between being little? I really hope not; I don't want to be dependent on it. Yeah, it's a good stress reliever, but I don't want to have to fall back on it every time I get even a little stressed. I should be able to destress by taking a week off and going to Vegas.

The meetings in London go well and I'm starting to get excited about the concept of writing some more music. A few days later, I fly back to LA to meet up with El. I have another day of meetings there, trying to set up some writing sessions with my favourite songwriters. Eleanor hangs around the whole day and we go out for dinner and to a club in the evening.

The next day, it's off to Vegas. The week we spend together is super fun. Lots of partying, but I never drink enough to be totally out of control. We run into Steve Aoki at one of the clubs and he plays Just Hold On, which is super cool. His set is by far the best of the week.

Everything about the week is great, until we get to the airport in LA on the way home...

It's short, but I just needed to link the previous chapter with what's coming.

Cliffhangers for the win! (sorry guys, but you should expect that by now)

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now