Chapter 17

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Louis' POV

As I wait for Liam to show up for this random band Skype reunion thing, which apparently requires him being at my house, I make myself some coffee. I need it if I want to be alert this afternoon. I haven't been sleeping well the past few weeks, but the past two nights have been awful. I've hardly let myself sleep because I didn't want any nightmares, and I especially didn't want to, er...have any accidents. I just don't understand, and I don't like it.

Liam arrives just as I finish my coffee, and I pull myself out of my thoughts to open the door for him.

"Louis! How are you?"

"M'alright. How're you?" I'm not going to tell him I only slept 3 hours in the past two nights.

"I'm good. You sure you're alright? You look pretty tired..." Shoot, he noticed. Suddenly, my stomach rumbles. "You hungry, Lou?"

"I guess so" I chuckle a little, glad his attention is off my tiredness. "You want anything? I'll probably just grab a bagel..."

"No, I'm fine" Of course he is, Liam never wants to inconvenience anyone. "Did you have lunch Louis?" What? Um... actually I don't remember eating anything today at all...

"I don't think so"

"You should probably have more than a bagel, then." What does it matter to him?

"I'll be fine, Li. I'm not that hungry. You don't need to worry about me" My tone is maybe a little too sharp, but I can't be bothered controlling it when I'm this tired.

As I'm eating, I set up my laptop on the counter for the Skype call, then decide to find out what's going on.

"Why are you here Liam?"

"So we can all talk"

"We could all talk from separate locations. What's going on? Its like you're plotting something, you, and Harry. Is Niall in on it too?"

"It's not a big deal Louis. We're all just worried about you and decided to talk to you together."

"What are you worried about? I'm fine" I'm confused. Why are they so worried?

We'll talk about that later" That doesn't sound good.

"Wait, Li. Have you been talking to them about me?" Oh hell, no. "Did you tell them about the nightmares? What about the...uh, the other part? Li, please tell me you didn't tell them that!" I can't believe they've been talking behind my back. I didn't want anyone to know. It's bad enough Liam does, but to tell the boys? I'm getting worked up and my breathing is speeding up.

"Calm down Louis. It's okay"

"No! I won't calm down. betrayed me!" I'm crying now. Stupid emotions. I don't want to do this right now, but I can't stop myself from starting to sob, still breathing quickly, too quickly, I can't breathe oh shit I can't breathe I can't breathe

"Lou!" Liam's grabbing me, but I pull away, my whole body tensing. He betrayed me. "Louis, calm down. You need to breathe. Shh, shh it's okay, just breathe." He pulls me into a tight hug which I can't escape. "It's okay, you're okay Lou. Breathe with me"

I slowly begin to breathe normally again, but I'm still crying, my body nearly limp in Liam's embrace.

"C'mon, let's go to the couch for a minute. I think we need to talk just the two of us, yeah?"

I just nod, and he leads me to the couch, where I collapse against him, trying to stop crying. I hate how freaking emotional I am these days.

Suddenly, I hear my laptop sounding the Skype ringtone.

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now