Chapter 63

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Niall's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of water running. It sounds like it's coming from Louis' ensuite, which is between our rooms. I dismiss it, assuming it's just Louis, up using the bathroom.

Oh wait. Louis isn't supposed to be up using the bathroom. I get up immediately, going into his room. I find him standing at the sink, washing his hands (A/N OneDirection1865 and xXenayx this is for you. Your comments made me laugh).

"Hey bud," I say.

He jumps, startled, and turns to see me standing in the door.

"What're you doing, Lou?" My voice isn't as gentle as it could be. For one, I just woke up, and secondly, Louis knows he's not supposed to be

His eyes fill with tears, and I immediately realize he must be at least somewhat in his headspace.

"Dada..." Louis bites his lip. "I hadda go potty," he explains.

How do I deal with this? I have to decide quickly, because he looks like he's about to start actually crying, and I'd like to avoid that if I can. Obviously he's in his headspace, so I don't think he's trying to disobey.

"That's okay, bub, but you know you're supposed to use your nappy, remember?"

"But Dada..." he looks at me, eyes wide and innocent. "I'm a big boy. I don't need nappies, I can use the potty by myself." he's in an older headspace than usual. This is going to be interesting. How do I deal with the nappy/potty situation? Also, my favourite nickname isn't going to work. There's no way he'll let me call him 'little one' when he's insisting he's a big boy.

"Louis, love, even though you can use the potty, Dada still wants you to use your nappy, okay? Especially at nighttime, because you woke me up with the toilet flushing."

"Oops." That didn't sound very apologetic, but I'll let it slide. It's 4 am, after all.

"Let's get you back to bed, okay, darling?"

"Kay." As if on cue, Louis yawns, and he comes over and takes my hand. "M'sleepy."

I lead him back into the bedroom and help him settle into bed, tucking the covers over him.

"Dada..." he whines, pouting at me.

"Yes, Lou?"

"I want Mr. Snuggles."

"He's not here, love. Maybe Daddy will bring him. I think he's coming in the morning. I don't know for sure though."

"But I want my bear!" Louis complains, fisting his eyes tiredly.

"I'm sorry, bud. Let's just go to sleep for now, alright?"

Thankfully, Louis nods and curls up, starting to suck his thumb.

"No, Lou. Sucking our thumbs is yucky. Would you like your dummy?" I pick up the small object from behind him, where it must have fallen out earlier. He nods, so I slip it into his mouth. His eyes close almost immediately and I watch as his breathing slows and he falls asleep.

I go back to bed, trying to process what I've gathered. I realize I should text Liam, let him know what's going on. He's probably on the plane right now, so if he doesn't have Mr. Snuggles, there's nothing we can do, but at least I can find out what his plans are.

Niall: Hey Li. Lou's little right now, but our deal still stands. I'll explain later.

Niall: Couple things: Do you have Mr. Snuggles? Are you coming here? I think he's in an older headspace, what do I do about nappies?

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now