Chapter 1

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Louis' POV

It's been an hour. An hour since my world stopped and turned upside down. An hour since the heart monitor stopped and my mum...shit. I can't even think that word yet.

Sure, we knew it was coming. We'd known for a while. But it wasn't supposed to happen yet. She's supposed to stay, to hold on at least until Saturday, just a few more days...She is...crap...guess I can't say that anymore can I? She was so excited for my debut solo performance. Even if she was going to be stuck in hospital, she could at least watch it on the telly...but now she won't be there. She won't get to see it at all. Ever...

The whole family is still sitting here in the hospital room. I'm trying to hold myself together. I need to be strong for Dan and for Lottie and the rest. Sure, I've been crying. But Lottie needs me to stay calm. Daisy and Phoebe are nearly hysterical and Fizzy isn't much better. Dan is no help, sitting in a chair with his head in his hands, and Lottie is trying to keep the girls calm, but she is barely hanging on herself. Don't get me wrong, I'm upset. Hell, I'm upset beyond words, but on the outside, no one can tell. It's all just boiling inside me. I need to stay strong, stay calm for my sisters. They need me right now.

"But why? Why did she have to...why did this have to happen?" Daisy bursts out into fresh tears, setting Phoebe off on a round of crying: "It's not fair!". I don't know how to comfort then, but I have to do something because Lottie is currently holding Fizzy, the pair crying into each other's shoulders.

I pull my twin sisters both in for a tight hug, whispering quietly "Shh, I know. It's not fair. I don't know why this happened. But we are going to be okay. Shh." Surprisingly, that's all it takes for them to clam and I sit on a big chair, pulling the two twelve-year-olds into my lap, and begin to hum softly, knowing they are exhausted. As they begin to fall asleep, my thoughts start swirling and I decide I need to get out of that room for a while. Laying my sweater over the twins, I stand up and quietly tell Lottie that I'm going to the loo.

I don't really need to wee, I just need space, and even this late, there are people constantly walking through the halls, so I lock myself inside the small room. Leaning against the wall, I pull out my phone, realizing I should let the lads know. Even though we're on hiatus, we are still in regular contact, and I have been updating them on my mum. Opening a new message, I select Harry, Liam, and Niall's contacts, including Zayn after a moment of hesitation. I want him to know too even if we aren't as close as we used to be.

I begin typing: "Hey mates. Thought I'd tell you, my mum d-" and stop, my chest tightening and my breath catching. Right, okay. I can't handle that word yet. How can I say this? Crap I'm panicking! Okay. Okay. I erase the message and retype, my hands shaking: "It's over. My mum is gone" and press send. I slide down the wall to sit on the floor, putting my phone down beside me.

She's gone. My mum is gone forever. She's never gonna see me perform solo. She's never gonna hug me again. I'm never going to see her again. As my mind circles, the tears start up again, and this time, I don't hold them back.

So I know I said it's an ageplay story, but it's going to take a few chapters to get to that point. I like stories that have a bit of build-up.

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Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant