Chapter 37

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I relax into his arms, savouring the flavour [of the milk] and the coziness, as I quickly drift off.

Niall's POV

Louis has fallen asleep on my lap, still drinking his bottle. I'm surprised, he claimed not to be sleepy, but I guess we couldn't expect complete compliance yet. When I try to take the bottle away, his mouth keeps opening and closing, as if confused where it went, so I decide to try slipping his dummy in. He takes it easily, sucking on it as he sleeps. I know he might wake up out of headspace and react very badly to the dummy. However, he hasn't wet his nappy all day, so he'll wake up wet, which, if he's big, will probably be more of a concern than the dummy.

I transfer Louis' limp body into his bed, tucking his blankets around him and setting Mr. Snuggles in beside him. Once he's settled into his bed, still adorably sucking on his dummy, I make my way to the living room to watch a bit of telly as I await the return of Harry and Liam.

The two of them arrive about half an hour into Louis' nap, and they bring back mostly food, but also a bag of stuff for Louis.

"What did you lads get?"

"See for yourself," Harry says, passing me the two bags before going to the kitchen to help Liam unpack the groceries.

I look in the first bag to see some basic supplies like nappies and wipes as well as couple of spare dummies. The second, however, has some interesting things. On top are a couple of adult-sized onesies, the kind that are semi-popular these days. Underneath I find some bath toys, including some colourful boats and a rubber duck.

 Underneath I find some bath toys, including some colourful boats and a rubber duck

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"What is this stuff? You think Louis will go for this?" I really don't think he's going to be excited about being dressed in a onesie, and even less so about playing in the bath

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"What is this stuff? You think Louis will go for this?" I really don't think he's going to be excited about being dressed in a onesie, and even less so about playing in the bath.

"What stuff?" Liam comes back out. "Oh, yeah, that."

"Yeah, that. Do you really think he wants a fucking onesie? And yeah, he's totally going to want to sit naked in front of us and splash around with a rubber duck!" I just don't get it. I know I'm being rude, and it's rather unlike me, but as much as Louis is acting like a kid, he's not an actual baby and I'm sure he still has at least some self-dignity, which is not our job to strip from him.

"Ni...what's wrong?" Liam comes over and puts an arm around me. "I just thought, since he's in headspace, maybe..." He pauses, taking a deep breath. "He doesn't have to like them, just maybe if he wants to try. The onesies aren't so bad, are they?"

"I guess." I sigh. "I just, I don't want to force things on him when he's little that would really upset him when he's big. I don't think he'd appreciate waking up in a onesie."

"Fair. We can see what he thinks. We'll hold off on the bath toys, maybe just put them in the bathroom in view, but not give them to him. He does need a bath tonight, though."

Just then, Harry comes back into the room. "Food's all put away. What do you think of the stuff we got?"

"Well, some of it is pretty useful," I say, non-committally, gesturing to the new package of nappies.

"He doesn't like the toys and onesies." Liam clarifies in a matter-of-fact tone. "We agreed to be careful with them."

"I just don't think he's going to like them. We can see, maybe the onesies will be okay, but we should introduce the idea when he's big, so he's not surprised by it"

Harry nods. "I see where you're coming from. Now, when is he going to wake up? And do you think he'll still be in his headspace?"

Good question Harry...will he?

Sorry, it's short and filler, because I can't decide if Louis should wake up big or little, and I wondered if you guys had any ideas.

Also, Sign of the Times!!! I got like 3 hours of sleep last night because I woke up super early to listen to it...oops ;)

Because this is short and it's the weekend coming up, which means spare time, I will probably update either tomorrow or Sunday. (But no promises...)

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now