Chapter 46

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Liam's POV

After Louis finally falls asleep, I drive back to Louis' place. Harry has also fallen asleep by the time we get there, and I can't get him to stay conscious long enough to get out of the car. It's a bit odd; it's not like he's never stayed up all night before, but I guess it must be more exhausting when there's a constantly crying boy involved. I end up getting Niall to help me manoeuver Harry so I can carry him piggy-back into the house and dump him on a bed, leaving Niall to bring the softly snoring Louis inside.

After the two sleeping boys are in bed, Niall and I meet in the hallway and decide that it's okay to leave Louis alone for the rest of the night, as we are all exhausted and need sleep. It's almost morning, the sky is starting to get gray in the east, but I need to go back to bed, because I am basically asleep on my feet.

When I wake up, it's just past 9:30. The house is quiet, so I'm assuming nobody else is up. I take my time getting up and ready, and after making myself a coffee, sit down in the living room to catch up on social media and emails while I wait for the others to wake up.

About half an hour later, Niall surfaces, looking tired but awake, and complaining about being hungry. He mumbles a good morning to me before stumbling into the kitchen, where I hear clattering sounds that indicate he must be cooking something.

It's not until about 11 that I hear any noise over the baby monitor, and it's not a happy sound. Louis is whimpering and I can hear him tossing in the sheets. I guess I can wait a bit, in case it's just a dream and he's going to fall back into a good sleep for a bit. However, the whimpering escalates into crying and he starts mumbling, his voice sounding quite upset. He still doesn't seem to be awake, but if he's having a nightmare, I may as well at least check on him, if not get him up.

When I walk in, he's still asleep, tossing in the sheets, face flushed and sweaty looking as he cries. I sit next to Louis on the bed, reaching to stroke his hair in an attempt to calm him down without waking him, but at the first touch, he jolts upright, starting to sob immediately.

"Papa! Papaaa..." Well, he's still in headspace. I guess that's good?

"Shh, Lou. Daddy's here. It was just a dream, sweetheart, come to Daddy." I reach to envelop him in a hug, but he flinched away.

"No. Papa! Need Papa!"

Okay. That hurt a bit, but he hasn't slept well and just had a nightmare, so I have to be forgiving. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to wake up Harry just because Louis is asking for him.

"Louis, love, Papa is still sleeping. Shall we go find Dada? I think he's made some breakfast." He's not sobbing as hard anymore, just crying unhappily.

"Papa, please." Louis whines, pouting at me.

"No, darling. I already said that Papa is still in bed. Come, do you need your nappy changed before we go get some yummy food?" I'm assuming he does, as it's been several hours, and he had multiple bottles last night, but he frowns at me.

"No, Daddy!" His insistence makes me suspicious, but I'm not going to push it when he's so tired.

"Alright, no need to shout. Let's go get some breakfast." I reach to pick Louis up, but he squirms back out of my reach. "Louis. You need to let me carry you." He's still on restricted privileges from yesterday when he...I don't remember what he did...something about his nap maybe? Either way, we can't just remove his punishment because he didn't sleep well.

Louis pouts and frowns, but lets me lift him off the bed. I bring him to the kitchen and sit down at the table with him on my lap, just as Niall sets a plate filled with eggs, bacon, beans, and toast in front of us, as well as a sippy cup filled with orange juice.

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now