Chapter 26

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Niall's POV

I am jolted from my sleep by something hitting me—hard—in the hip. I nearly yell for a moment at the pain and surprise, but contain myself when I remember that I'm sharing a bed with Louis. Wait, Louis! When I turn to the side, I see the boy twisting and thrashing in the sheets. That's probably what woke me. He's whimpering as well, mumbling words that I can't quite make out. I know I need to wake him but I don't know how.

Not wanting to startle him awake, as that would have bad results, I reach out a hand to put on his shoulder and attempt to gently stroke his arm. However, this tactic doesn't work so well when he's constantly moving, so I am forced to come up with a different idea. I reach out with both arms this time, lying on my side facing him, and pull his still thrashing body close to me, trying to snuggle him awake and hoping that he doesn't feel trapped and panic.

After a few moments of struggle, which probably will leave some bruises on me, not that it's that big of a deal, he slowly stops twisting about and starts to wake up, his eyelids fluttering.

"Hey, Lou. It's alright, boo, it was just a dream. I've got you, everything's okay." He looks up at me with wide eyes, seeming disoriented as his eyes fill with tears. "Shh, don't cry. You're okay, bud. Dada's got you." He's not crying hard, but a few tears have made their way down his cheeks. He looks a bit embarrassed, and I'm not sure if it's because of the nightmare, or because he's crying. He's trembling in my grasp, and I readjust our position so that I am holding him a bit tighter. When I do so, I discover a different potential cause for tears: he wet his nappy. I should have guessed, Liam said it happened, but this didn't seem like a particularly horrible nightmare, so I didn't think of it.

How do I do this? I don't want to startle him by going to change him without saying anything, but I also don't want to upset him by talking about it. I guess I have to risk upset, it wouldn't be fair to him to do anything without informing him first. "Hey, bud, let's get you changed, alright? Then we can come right back to sleep."

Louis just looks at me questioningly, I guess he didn't notice. But then he gasps a little, realizing what happened, and his eyes fill with fresh tears. "Shh, it's alright. I'll get you clean right away, and then we can cuddle and sleep some more." He doesn't stop crying, instead latching his arms around my neck and hiding his face in my shoulder. I guess I'm going to have to carry him, I just hope I don't drop him. Pulling myself awkwardly to a sitting position, I arrange Louis so he's straddling my lap before holding onto his thighs and standing up, his arms still tight around me. It's surprisingly easy to lift him; either I'm stronger than I thought or he's lighter than I remembered. Come to think of it, Liam did mention that he hadn't been eating, so that might have something to do with it.

I make the change quickly, not wanting Louis to wake up too much, although that isn't really an issue, considering he's pretty much falling asleep on the counter. When he's all clean and I've washed my hands, I bring him back to the bed where he instantly snuggles into my side again.

I almost don't hear his mumble, it's the only thing he's said since he woke up, but I catch the one small word: "Sing." I can't deny the sleepy boy this pleasure, but I can't think of anything to sing, so I just hum a lullaby my parents used to sing me whose words I can never remember. Louis rapidly falls asleep and I follow not long afterward.

Liam's POV

I wake up before anyone else in the morning, and decide it's time we start getting a little more serious about treating Louis like a baby, starting with breakfast. Instead of making him something that he can eat on his own, this morning one of us is going to feed him. The easiest to start with will be something on a spoon, so I decide to make porridge. I know they might complain, but it's healthy and simple. As it's cooking, I slice an apple, figuring cut up fruit is a good finger food for kids that Louis probably won't complain too much about.

When breakfast is ready, I set the table, putting Louis' food in plastic dishes by my spot. Niall spent the most time with Louis yesterday, and I know Harry will probably want to feed him, but I also know that Harry will likely give in if he asks to feed himself, so it's my turn this morning. I'm sure Harry will get plenty of time to bond with Louis later in the day.

I get Harry up first, then make my way to Louis' bedroom. I knock gently on the door before opening it to see Louis cuddled up to Niall, his eyes open, Niall still asleep next to him.

"Morning, bud. Been awake long?" He just shakes his head. "Can you wake up Dada for me, Louis, and tell him breakfast is ready?" I know I could do it, but I want him to get used to recognizing our 'fatherly' names and following instructions. He nods and nudges Niall, whispering something that I can't quite hear. It's quite adorable really. The old Louis would probably have shouted or jumped on the bed to wake him up; he's already starting to shift into a more calm mindset.

Breakfast goes without too much incident. There are a few complaints when I insist Louis sits on my lap with me feeding him, but nothing more than I anticipated. He doesn't even blink when I give him the plate of sliced apples to eat and insist on him finishing his orange juice.

That's the other thing I want to focus on. Today we need to get him more comfortable with using his nappy. I talked to Harry about it last night, and we have decided that we are going to get him to drink a lot today, so that he will need to wee often. Hopefully the more he does it, the easier it will be.

The morning goes smoothly. We watch a movie while constantly giving Louis things to drink. He wets once around midmorning with quite a bit of fuss, but just before lunch he goes without needing to be forced. At the time, he is sitting on my lap, cuddling as we watch the movie, and he squirms a little before looking at me. I know exactly what's going on, and give him an encouraging smile. He then blushes before I feel warmth on my lap. As soon as he's done, I bring him to get changed.

I'm not overly happy with how quiet Louis is being, I want him to tell us what he wants or needs, but it's better than complaining or rebelling. I'm quite impressed with how he's starting to get used to his nappy and to trust us more as authority figures, and he's certainly willing enough to be cuddled! Overall, it's a good morning.

Hey, I actually updated pretty quickly! I'm impressed with myself.

How long do you think it's going to take Louis to properly slip into his headspace?

Next chapter will have some good fluff I think :)

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now