Chapter 77

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"Meet me there [the living room] when you're done?"

Louis' POV

"Course. Give a couple minutes," I agree, standing up to go upstairs. I want to get this wet nappy off as soon as possible. It's very uncomfortable to walk around with hanging off my waist, feels gross. I quickly change out of it and into something dry and comfortable. I take a couple minutes to check my phone, responding to a couple texts I missed before heading back downstairs to join Zayn in the living room.

"Come sit, Lou," he says, gesturing to the spot next to him and putting his arm around the back of the couch. "We can cuddle and chat, yeah?"

"Sounds good to me," I smile, sitting down and leaning against his side as he lays his arm across my shoulders. "What did you want to talk about?" I ask, though I already have a bit of an idea what he's going to ask.

"How're you feeling after slipping? It was pretty eventful..."

"Good, yeah. I feel really good." I sigh. "Sorry I was so difficult for ya, Zee. I don't mean to be so disobedient. My mind just works so much differently when I'm little, ya know?"

"Don't worry about it, mate. I didn't mind dealing with a mischievous little Louis. Was just a little scary that you managed to hurt yourself twice."

"Yeah. What did I even do to my knee? I noticed you had it bandaged up, but I don't remember exactly..."

"You just got yourself a little rug burn when you fell down the stairs. It's really not a big deal, but I figured I'd cover it because it might have been painful to go back to bed like that. The head was a little worse." Zayn moves his hand to hold my hair out of the way so he can peek at the cut on my head. "How'd you end up coming out of headspace, anyway?"

"Not too sure, really. Maybe something to do with the pain? But I didn't come out of it right away, did I? I guess it was more of a slow transition or somethin'. Don't know, really." I slide out of Zayn's hold and stand up. "I'm just gonna grab a glass of water. You want anything?"

"I'm good, thanks, Louis." He stretches, leaning back as I leave the room.

I return a moment later with a glass of water in my hand and sit down again, this time facing Zayn instead of leaning against him. If I'm right, he still has a question or two to ask me.

"So," he says, looking me up and down. "How are you feeling now about the Late Late Show?"

I knew it. Easy question.

"Good. James is a great guy. It'll be fine. Steve'll be there. I'm not really worried. The performance is a little nervewracking, but it's not a big deal."

Zayn frowns. "Are you sure, Lou? I don't want you to get stressed out. I'm just not sure this slip was enough to help you."

"I'm sure, Zee. It's going to be good. I'm not worried. Besides, I've got a couple days of rehearsals ahead of me. That should be enough to take care of any nerves. I promise, I'll be fine, Zayn."

I was right.

After a few days of rehearsals and messing around with Steve and James, I find myself preparing to perform on the Late Late Show. There are somehow no nerves as I get ready to get on stage. Steve comes over to make sure I'm okay. He's been a bit worried the past couple days, given he hasn't seen me since just after the car incident, but I've been totally fine.

The performance goes just as well as expected. I have a good time on the stage, and I feel like my vocals sound pretty good as well. Afterwards, I end up going to a club with Steve and having a great time.

I haven't felt this good in ages. Maybe ageplay really is helping me.

Really short chapter for you guys. That's about as long as I could make it without having a weird  time jump in the middle of the chapter. Guess I didn't plan very well.

But, guess what! Today marks exactly a year since the first chapter of this book was published!!! I'm so thankful for everyone who has ever read, voted, or commented. I can't believe how many people have read this book. When I started, I was hoping for maybe five regular readers. You guys have blown me away. The support I've received is incredible, even through the past few months when I've been basically MIA. Thank you all so much <3

So...there's some drama coming up! But first a little bit of fluffy little Louis. Any prompts for that? Something cute, could involve any one or combination of Liam, Harry, and Niall. Any input is appreciated, but I can't promise I'll do any or every thing you suggest.

Thanks again everyone for all your support!

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now