Chapter 62

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Something tells me[Niall] that I'm going to be wanting those dummies by the end of the night.

Louis' POV

I'm absolutely exhausted after my day of interviews, even though it's still pretty early, and cuddling with Niall on the couch feels like the perfect thing to do at the moment. The hockey game is just background noise, mostly to keep Niall interested. I certainly don't care that much. I'm too tired to pay attention, all I want is the touch of Niall's hand on my shoulder, keeping me steady. I don't think I need to slip, that fuzzy feeling isn't taking over like it did before. I don't want to slip either, I just want to be here and feel safe, and maybe go to bed a bit early so I'm rested for tomorrow.

I don't realize I'm tired enough to actually fall asleep until I jerk awake, no longer curled happily next to Niall. Instead, I'm lying on the floor, Niall knelt in front of me, pulling a pair of pajama pants up over...

"No! Niall, what are you doing?! You weren't supposed to, I don't need to, no! I'm not a fucking baby!" I sit upright, glaring unhappily at my friend who just stuck a nappy on me while I was sleeping.

"Louis! Lou, calm down." Niall's voice is soft as he lays a hand on my shoulder. "I know this wasn't what we agreed, but I could tell you needed it. If you calm down, I can make you a bottle and put you to bed, and we can be done with this when you get up in the morning."

"No, Niall! This is fucking stupid. I don't need this right now. I feel fine, just a bit tired. I need a nap, not a fucking nappy!"

"Hey! Watch it on the cussing. Starting now, all the rules are in place. I've let the others know what's happening, so he'll back me up if necessary."

I stop struggling against the hug he was attempting to give me, too tired to put up too much of a fight, and slump into his embrace.

"Sorry Ni. I just, I wasn't expecting this at all, and it wasn't fair of you to go behind my back like this." Tears are pricking at the corners of my eyes, and I blink rapidly to get rid of them. I don't want to cry, that would just prove how much of a baby I seem to be, but I'm not. I'm not a baby! However, I think I might just go along with Niall for tonight. Maybe I won't try too hard to slip, but I'll enjoy the extra cuddles I know I can get. I won't mind that at all.

"It's okay bud. I know it was a surprise," Niall rubs my shoulder gently. "I just thought if I caught you when you were sleepy, it might be easier to ease you into it."

I scrunch my eyes shut, thinking for a moment. "I see where you're coming from, but no thanks. I'd rather know what's coming." Oh, shit. That makes it sound like I'm expecting this to happen again. No, no, no! This isn't happening again. Oh, oh no. The agreement was if I was okay for two weeks, I wouldn't have to continue with this. I made it what, less than a day?

I'm so frustrated with myself. I need to be fine. I AM fine. Nothing even happened today, Niall just saw me being clingy and decided that was enough to start ageplay. Like, what the hell?

"What are you thinking, Lou?" Niall asks, holding me close to him. "You look worried."

I don't know if I can talk without blowing up at him. "Um...does this mean we're doing this for a while?" Yes, I'm conceding to the fact that ageplay is happening tonight. I don't think I could possibly convince Niall otherwise. "Like, the agreement was that you monitor me and start ageplay indefinitely at the first sign of trouble and then we'd have another discussion."

"No, I don't think so. As long as you agree and cooperate, I think tonight is just preventative. You don't seem overly stressed out or worked up, it's actually the opposite. You seemed so mellow on the couch, it just seemed natural to take care of you for a bit. This is just for tonight, and tomorrow morning, everything goes back to our agreement. Sound good?"

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now