Chapter 61

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Louis' POV

The next morning, I get up relatively early, feeling well rested. I get myself ready for the day and can hear Niall also getting ready in his room. He's got some time in the studio today and I've got a few interviews.

We eat breakfast together in the kitchen, just simple scrambled eggs and toast because neither of us feels like cooking anything too complicated.

My driver comes by to get me; it's my turn to provide transportation for both me and Steve. Once Steve is in the car, we make small talk about whatever comes to mind. It's pleasant and friendly conversation, and I find myself forgetting about the stressfulness of the interview that's coming.

Of course, when we arrive, all of my nerves and anxiety come flooding back, and I have to take a break to have a smoke and calm myself down a bit. When I get back in, Steve is waiting, and we go immediately into the interview.

It's not too bad, nothing dangerous, but some of the question hit a little close to home, especially when the interviewer mentions the other boys coming to see my performance at the X-factor. After, my thoughts are circling into places I don't want them to go, so I decide to go outside for another smoke. It takes about three cigarettes before my head feels even somewhat cleared, so I decide to have another before I go back in, just to make sure.

As I'm lighting it, Steve comes up next to me.

"All good?"

"Yeah, I'm good." He can't start thinking that smoking is worth talking to the boys about. It's something I've always done, there's no reason to take it as a warning sign of something. Thankfully, he doesn't say anything more, and he doesn't call anyone either, just leans against the wall next to me, doing something on his phone until I'm done. Then we head off to my car to go to the second interview of the day.

The rest of the interviews are similar to the first: stressful, but not enough to push me over the edge. I'm thankful for that; I really don't need anything to upset me enough that I need to go back to ageplay. Like, maybe sometime I'll want it, but I don't want to need it. No, definitely sometime I will want it. Just not right now, not when I'm in the middle of things. I don't want to need it either; I don't want to be vulnerable like that, breaking down and unable to take care of myself.

When the day is finally over, I've made my way through the better part of a pack of cigarettes, and I'm exhausted, mostly mentally, but also physically. I collapse on the couch as soon as I get inside, sprawling out and kicking off my shoes. Niall texts me to let me know that he'll be home just after 6, so I have just under an hour to myself. I flick on the TV and set it to the news, wanting something that doesn't require me to pay too much attention.

Niall's POV

I stop at a store on the way back to Louis' place to pick up a few essential ageplay supplies: nappies, wipes, and a package of dummies, along with a couple other little bits. We aren't doing anything yet, but I just want to be prepared for the next time. Liam is bringing a couple things over to LA when he comes, like Mr. Snuggles and some of the sippy cups, and maybe a onesie, but the cheaper things we can just buy here to have when we need them.

I make sure to leave the bags in my car, as I know Louis would be upset about me buying them when everything seems to be fine, but I don't want to get caught in a situation where he's slipping and I don't have any supplies available.

When I get inside, I find Louis flopped on the couch, half watching the news.

"Hey Lou!"

"Hey, Ni. How was your day?"

I sit down next to him, kicking off my shoes and relaxing onto the couch. "Good! I think I got some solid writing down, might have finished a song." It was a great day in the studio, I enjoyed myself a lot. "How was your day? Interviews, right?"

"Yeah, we had a few today. I think it went well, but I'm tired now."

"Hungry?" Songwriting always makes me really hungry (but really, what doesn't?) and I was hoping he would have something ready to eat when I got here, but I suppose I can't really expect it. I did sort of invite myself over, for multiple days.

"Mm... I guess," he responds, not sounding too bothered by it. I guess I will have to take charge of the food situation then.

"I'm starved. Should I order something?"

"Sure, if you want. Order some for me too? Not Chinese, I had that last night. Other than that, I don't care," Louis says, pulling out his phone.

This attitude towards food is not a good sign, although he might just be tired. It's a bit early to be that tired, though. "Okay. I could go for Greek, have you had it from that place down next to Starbucks?" (A/N I'm totally making this up)

"Yeah, whatever. I can pay if you want."

"Don't worry about it, Louis. I'm the one crashing your place when mine is just up the street." I go to the kitchen to make the call, so that the TV isn't making too much noise in the background. I order my favorite dish and a couple other things because I'm not quite sure what Louis likes.

When the food arrives, I grab plates and forks from the kitchen and spread out the takeout containers on the coffee table. Louis shakes himself back awake from where he was half asleep on the couch and sits up straight.

We eat while watching some random game show. I would rather watch golf, but I know Louis isn't a huge fan, so I don't even bother bringing it up. After we finish, I clean up a bit, letting Louis stay on the couch.

Either he's weirdly tired tonight or something is wrong, and I am going to assume it's the latter. If he was just tired he would have said something. I'm also slightly worried by the text I received from Steve Aoki this afternoon, telling me that Louis was smoking a lot more than usual. I know from experience that he smokes when he's stressed or needs to think, both of which are not necessarily good.

When I come back to the living room, Louis has changed the channel to a hockey game. I don't follow hockey too closely, but it's decently fun to watch, so I sit on the couch next to him. Within five minutes, he's curled up to my side, head resting on my shoulder, and I can't help but wrap one arm around him, pulling him closer. I notice him biting at his thumbnail, and I'm so tempted to grab the package of dummies from my car, but I know that would not go over well at all, so I opt not to say anything for the moment. However, something tells me that I'm going to be wanting those dummies by the end of the night.

There we go guys! I managed to get one more written. It's short, but I wanted to give you something before I go away! I'm sorry if my grammar is worse than normal, I wrote half of it on my phone so I couldn't edit the way I normally do.

Not a whole lot of content, not much to ask questions about. I bet you guys can see what's coming next.

Anyhow, I'll miss Wattpad while I'm away. There's a chance I'll be able to get Wifi for like ten minutes every once in a while, so I might still get the chance to read some stuff, but there will be no posting from me. Sorry :(

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt