Chapter 69

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Harry's POV

I rush up to my flat with Louis' bag. I know my guard won't be up with him for a couple minutes, so I take the time to tidy a little, though it isn't very messy, and get a bath running. I can't believe this happened, but I guess it's not too surprising either. At least he didn't slip in an interview or something. I just wish I knew what caused it.

When Louis gets passed into my arms, he's whimpering a little. I don't think he liked being carried by a strange man while feeling vulnerable in his headspace, but it was my only option. I tell my guard that I'll be fine for the night, and immediately start bouncing Louis in my arms once we're alone.

"It's okay, Lou. I'm here now, Papa's here. You're going to be alright, love, I'll take care of you." He throws his arms around my neck and starts crying again, but just unhappy little cries, probably lingering emotions from his breakdown earlier, with added discomfort from his wet pants and vomit-smelling shirt. I rock a little from side to side as I carry him to the bathroom. "Shall we have a bath now, boo?"

Louis sniffles and nods, reaching one hand toward the bathtub and making an adorable little grabby motion.

"I know baths are your thing to do with Dada, but I need to get you clean," I say, standing him on the floor and trying to take off his clothes as he clings to me.

"Dada?" Louis frowns, looking around curiously.

"No, love, sorry. He's not here, boo. It's just me and you."

"But...Dada!" There are fresh tears in his eyes, and I hate being the cause of such heartbreak, but Niall isn't exactly nearby.

"I'm sorry, boo. Let's get you in the bath, alright? Then we can have some yummy food for your little tummy, and a nice bottle, and maybe I can read you a story." Or maybe I can't...I don't think I have any kids' books around, I realize, lifting a squirmy Louis into the tub. Although, it should be possible to find one on the internet that we could read on my tablet. It's not the same as a proper book, but it might work.

Louis sits in the tub, and, after a moment, starts playing with the little plastic container I put in there. I don't have any bath toys, but there was a bright orange plastic box on the shelf, holding a bar of soap. I took the soap out, and now it makes an attractive thing for a little mind to occupy itself with.

I soap up a washcloth and start gently washing Louis' body. I don't do his hair, because I'm afraid I would get shampoo in his eyes, and that would not go over well. Maybe if I had baby shampoo, but I don't.

I'm beginning to realize that my flat is not at all set up to be taking care of a child, but I don't exactly have a choice. I let Louis play a little longer, until the water is starting to get cool, then pull him out of the tub. I dry him off, then lay him on the floor on a dry towel while I get changing supplies and an outfit out of his bag.

"Papa!" Louis starts crying again, and when I turn back to him, I realize why. He's peeing, the towel underneath him getting soaked. I should have thought of that, I should have...well, I don't know what I should have done.

"Shh, Lou. It's okay, you're not in trouble. You're such a good boy for Papa. It's Papa's fault, boo, shh. Don't cry." I rub his stomach until he's finished, then move him onto another dry towel. I'm going to have to do laundry soon. I guess that's life with kids.

I wipe Louis' upper thighs and private area, then tape him into a thick nappy. Overtop, I slip a pair of loose grey sweats, a soft t-shirt, and a big hoodie to keep him warm. I throw all three used towels into the laundry hamper, along with the clothes Louis was wearing when he arrived, then wash my hands.

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora