Chapter 12

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Louis' POV

Liam stays until about 10 pm the next day. He seems to be really worried about me and spends most of the day trying to get me to eat stuff and talk about my thoughts. It's a little overbearing, but I not its his nature, so I let him. I just have to be careful in the future not to get him too worried if I don't want him turning into Papa Bear on me.

Over the next week or so, knowing that staying home will just make me lonely, I go out and party most nights, but am careful not to drink too much, knowing that if I get too drunk or too hungover, I might break an call Liam. Of course, this means that I don't get a ton of sleep, given that I'm out until 3 in the morning most nights.

Thankfully, the nightmares are getting better, because I really don't like waking up like that. I still wake up in a panic sometimes, but I can usually calm down quickly, and there have been no more bedwetting incidents.

Mum's funeral will be on Wednesday, December 21st. Liam texts me to ask if I want him there, and I let him come as I know he would feel better knowing I'm not alone. I actually am really grateful; I love my family, but Liam will be a calming presence for me.

On the 20th, everything that is going well falls apart, and I find myself drinking heavily alone in my house. Around 8 in the evening, I start feeling really sad. I miss my mum a lot and I don't want to go to the funeral. I don't want to say my final goodbye, I don't want anything to be final. I want her back!

This train of thoughts is too much, so I decide to find a drink, hoping to distract myself. However, after downing a good amount of brandy, I discover the alcohol has done nothing but make the emotion stronger, and I am now sitting on the bar stool in my kitchen, hunched over my drink, sobbing.

I'm upset, slightly (quite) drunk, and really lonely. I want to call Liam, but I don't want him to worry so I call Harry instead. Harry and I have always been pretty close, so I hope he will understand what I need.

"Louis! What's up mate?"

"Hazza" I sob

"Lou? Are you okay?" He's obviously concerned. I hope he doesn't get too worried though...

"I miss my mum" My voice cracks as I try to stop crying. I'm not thinking straight enough to explain better

"Oh Boo. I know. Shh It's okay" His voice is soothing, though not as much as Liam's. "What's got you so sad? What are you doing?"

"Cryin'..a-and drinkin'"

"Louis. How much have you had? You don't want to be hungover tomorrow" his voice is suddenly stern, and I whimper, not liking the feeling of being scolded.

"Li'l tipsy. Want mum!" I can't help but continue to sob. I want my mum so badly. I want her to hold me and tell me everything will be okay.

"Oh Lou. Listen, I need you to stop crying, okay? You're alright" It takes a minute for me to quiet myself, after which Harry speaks again. "Okay bud. You should probably drink a bunch of water to prevent too much of a hangover, and go to bed soon. You're okay"

The next morning, I wake up early with only a slight headache, thanks to Harry's advice. As I'm getting ready for the funeral, Liam comes to pick me up, all worried because Harry told him I had been drinking. I feel a little betrayed; I called Harry because I didn't want Liam to know and get concerned. After I reassure him that I feel fine, he helps me finish getting ready before we meet the rest of my family and head over to the church where the service is held.

Throughout the service, I manage to stay strong, shedding a few tears but not breaking down, and afterwards I keep up my face while spending the day with my family. I really want to just cry, but right now I need to be strong, and I think I can. I even tell Liam he can go home, I'm so confident.

Of course, when I'm finally alone, back at my house, I can'thold in the sadness I've been masking all day. Not wanting to bother anyone, Ijust curl up in my bed, where I let myself cry, being sure to keep control ofmy breathing, until I fall asleep.

Short chapter sorry. The next one might be even shorter, but then I should be back to longer chapters.

So Louis turned to Harry this time...what next?

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now