Chapter 87

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So, as some of you guessed, this chapter is what I refer to as "the airport incident". However, I'm not actually writing the airport part. I'm going to link the video, which you can watch if you like, and the story picks up after he has been released from the police station. Warnings for tons of swearing in the story, though I've *ed out most of it. 

March 3, 2017

Louis' POV

After leaving the police station, Preston drops me off at my door, telling me curtly that he'll park the car. I get the sense that he's not impressed with me but feels bad too. He seems to understand that it wasn't all my fault. I get out of the car and walk slowly toward the house carrying my bag, not excited to face Liam. My brain is already a mess, I'm shaken from the incident and the arrest. Liam doesn't come to the door when I step in, doesn't even say a word. I find him sitting in the living room, a displeased look on his face.

"Hey Li," I greet softly, scared of how he's going to react.

"Louis. Put your bag away and then we need to have a chat." His voice is stern and hard.

I nod and bring my stuff to my bedroom, debating on whether or not to unpack, or maybe stop quickly at the loo because it's been ages since I've had a chance to go, but I know delaying won't help matters any, so I hesitantly walk toward the living room, taking my time.

"How could you do this, Louis?" Liam seethes as soon as I sit down.

"I didn't DO anything, Li, I-"

Liam cuts me off. "Don't tell me you didn't do anything, Louis. You were arrested! They don't arrest people for doing nothing."

"But it wasn't my fault, Liam. I swear, I didn't do anything. I didn't start anything. I was just trying to protect-"

"Louis! That's enough with the excuses!" Liam sighs heavily. "I can't believe you were arrested. What made you think fighting in an airport was a good idea?"

I jump up, frustrated. It's been a long crazy day, my head is a mess, and this is not what I need right now. I wish he would just hear me out.

"You don't f*cking listen do you? You never give a f*ck about what I'm trying to tell you! Does my opinion not f*cking matter? You know what, f*ck this! F*ck you! I'm leaving!" I stomp toward the door, ready to actually walk out of my own house in anger.

"Louis! Calm down, get back here!" Liam calls, and I look back to see him standing up from the couch.

I turn around to face him, but stay near the door.

"I'm not going to calm down, Liam! It wasn't my f*cking fault. It was all that f*cking filthy scumbag of a pap's. He f*cking attacked me and Eleanor, and then spewed some bullshit about me f*cking attacking him when all I did was fall on me arse and the f*cker tripped over me! Does that sound like my f*cking fault? And then when those girls were attacking Eleanor? Did you want me to just f*cking stand there and let it happen? I was just trying to protect my f*cking girlfriend! If I hurt any of those b*tches, it was an accident. I was trying to stop them from hurting Eleanor! And then you accuse me of being at fault for all this shit and tell me to f*cking calm down when I try to give you an explanation?" I pause to breathe for a moment, then mutter, just loud enough for Liam to hear me, "Some friend you are. Whose side are you on, d*ck?"

"Okay, Louis, that's enough! You need to calm down and show some respect," Liam practically shouts, taking a few steps toward me.

"Respect? What for? The dude who made a f*cking mess of my life? Or for you, because you seem to be going into your stupid f*cking daddy mode?" I'm so not in the mood for ageplay tonight. I have way too much going on in my head.

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now