Chapter 42

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When the milk is gone, they manoeuver so that I am lying in the bed, being forcibly spooned by Harry, held tightly to his chest. I don't know how they expect me to relax like this...

Louis' POV

Apparently, they have a plan though, because Niall announces "I'll be right back!" before running out of the room and Liam sits on the bed, leaning against the headboard near me. Niall reappears with his guitar and sits on the end of the bed near Harry's feet, I think, though I can't quite tell because I'm being held down, and starts playing chords, just softly. Liam moves one hand to my head and begins running his fingers through my hair. It's rather soothing, all the attention on me...

But no! I'm not going to fall asleep. I'm not tired, I don't need a nap, I'm not a baby! This is so ridiculous, I don't need to take a nap!

Slowly, I become aware that Harry is humming. It's not a familiar tune, it might not even be a song, but his throat and chest are vibrating gently against me and the sensation combined with the sound is just so calming, I can't fight it. I'm starting to find it difficult to keep my eyes open and...


When I wake up, I'm still being held by Harry. His grip is not quite as strong, but it's still not escapable, and judging by his heavy breathing, he fell asleep too. Liam and Niall are no longer in the room as far as I can tell. I must have slept for a while; the shadows have changed significantly from when I fell asleep.

How could I fall asleep? Especially when I didn't even think I was tired. I was supposed to be resisting everything they did to treat me like a baby...

But earlier I was thinking about letting them just do it for the rest of the week...

I'm so confused! What am I supposed to do? I mean, I guess it doesn't make a big difference. It's just so incredibly humiliating to be forced into a nappy. I don't want to do it. But not cooperating makes it difficult for them, and for me, and means I get punished.

Oh shit. Punished. Yeah, I'm going to cooperate, at least to a certain extent. Liam already said he was doubling my punishment, I don't need more. I don't know what they are going to do to me, but punishment is never good.

Okay, so I'll do what they say just as much as I have to do to not get punished. I'm not doing more than that, I don't want to humiliate myself more than necessary. I won't talk unless I have to, and I'll avoid using their 'names'.

Harry moves behind me, his arms slowly retracting from around my body.

"You 'wake, boo?"

Instead of responding, I just roll over onto my back, stretching as visual proof that I'm awake.

"Did you have a good nap?"

I shrug. I don't have to answer that question.

"Li," Harry says, speaking directly into the baby monitor on my night table. "We're awake."

Liam and Niall come into the room moments later, and I tremble slightly, realizing that Harry probably called them in to deliver my punishment.

"Right. Now that you've slept for almost 3 hours, I hope you'll be a bit more cooperative, Lou." Liam says.

Okay. What? Three hours!? No way did I sleep that long...

He continues. "It's time for your punishment from earlier, bud. You were very disrespectful and you disobeyed your daddies multiple times, even after we told you that you would be punished, so you are getting a double punishment."

Okay, hurry up and tell me what it is, Liam. I hate this waiting. What are you going to make me do?

Niall speaks up next. "The original punishment was going to be 15 minutes of timeout and then losing one of your privileges, so your new punishment is a half hour in timeout as well as the loss of two privileges."

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now