Chapter 56

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Zayn's POV

I quickly turn off the lights and clean up a bit downstairs before going to my own bedroom. I'm not quite ready to go to bed yet, but I don't want to be too far from Louis; I need to hear if he wakes up.

I think it's time. I know Louis was quite insistent earlier that he didn't want me to call Liam, but at this point I think I need to. I don't know how to deal with him, and what if he wakes up still in headspace? I have no idea what I would do.

I pull out my phone and pull up Liam's contact, but hesitate before pressing the call button. It's been ages since we talked. It's not that we don't get along, but it's not like we specifically get along either. We both just exist and rarely cross paths anymore. I can't remember the last conversation we had...oh right. I texted him that one time I was on Skype with Louis and he was really upset. But that doesn't really count. It was just a short sequence of texts, on a topic other than ourselves, brought on by urgency.

I suppose this conversation is a bit of an emergency situation as well, and again about Louis, but he doesn't know that. All Liam will know is that I'm calling him out of the blue. Unless I use Louis' phone...

But no, that would be weird. Even weirder than me calling randomly.

Wait, what if Liam's busy? Maybe he can't talk right now. He might not even be in LA; if he's in England it's not too likely he'll be awake.

I could text first. Yeah, text first. Just to see if he's available, and it can serve as a bit of a warning for him.

I send the message: 'Hi Liam. Can I call you? I need to talk to you. Let me know ASAP, please, or just call me'

It's a bit abrupt and awkward, but how are you supposed to text someone who used to be your best mate but now you hardly talk to? Especially when the purpose isn't to catch up or anything normal like that. No, it's because our other friend called me to rescue him because he started thinking he was a baby.

I leave my phone on the dresser and start getting myself ready for bed. I'm hoping he'll see it and respond quickly, but if not, I may as well get some sleep.

Liam's POV

I roll over, awake really early for some reason, and notice that my phone is flashing a notification. Normally I'd ignore it and try to fall asleep again, but I'm not very tired anymore and I may as well get on with my day. I sit up and grab the device, turning it on. The first couple things that pop up are emails, and I dismiss those. I can deal with them later. Next comes a text from...

Oh. Zayn. And he wants me to call him. Sent five minutes ago.

What on earth? It's not that I have anything against Zayn, not at all. I would love to be in more contact with him; he's a great person and I honestly miss having him around. Sure, maybe I could try harder to bridge the gap, but he often seems a bit reluctant. This message is really bizarre; he sounds almost desperate. What does he want from me?

Oh well, may as well just call him.

"Liam!" Zayn answers the phone immediately.

"Hey Zayn. How are you?"

"Well, I'm alright..." he trails off.

"I can sense a but there. What's going on?"

"Uh, it's about Louis."

Um. Okay. What? Oh dear...

"What about Louis?"

"Um, I...well, he," Zayn pauses. I want to tell him to just spit it out, but I don't want to be rude. "Louis, he, uh, he's here."

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now