Chapter 16

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Liam's POV

I end up leaving Louis' place around noon, as he has celebrations with his family, and I want to get back to Cheryl, given how abruptly I left her last night. However, not an hour after I get home, I find myself on Skype with Harry and Niall.

Niall is the first to speak: "What's up with Louis" Well, guess we're skipping the greetings...

"Is everything okay?" Harry asks, clearly concerned that there is something serious going on. I guess there kind of is...

"Well lads, I've got a story for you. Let me talk, then you can ask questions, yeah?"

When they nod, I proceed to tell them the basics: I picked Louis up because he was really drunk, he had a nightmare and woke up hungover and emotional, this morning he was grumpy and didn't remember any of it.

"Shit that's bad..."

"He's getting worse, isn't he?"

"Yeah...I just don't know what to do. Can we all agree that we have to do something?" We sit in silence for a few moments, thinking, before Niall pipes up.

"I've got an idea, but it's a little, er,  unconventional. Li, you've seen quite a bit of, uh, fanfiction, yeah?"

"Yeah..." I have, but what does that have to do with anything? And what does he mean, unconventional?

"Well, have you heard of ageplay?""

"" Ageplay, ageplay, ageplay...what was that again? Oh..."Shit, Niall, you're brilliant!"

"Um...lads...I'm a little lost...what are you talking about?" Oh right, almost forgot Harry is there.

"You explain Liam. You probably know more than I do"

"Right, well, I'm not exactly sure of the details, and like Niall said, it is pretty unconventional. But, um, basically ageplay is where an adult is treated like and acts like a baby"

Harry's POV

"What the heck?! That's...that's...weird" What are they thinking? Where did they get suck a bizarre idea? "Louis gets drunk a couple times and you want to treat him like a baby?" It just seems a little overboard to me.

"There's more than just the drinking. You know that, Harry. And I haven't told you guys everything because I didn't think Louis would appreciate it, but maybe I should"

"Why do you know wo much?" I just don't get it...Louis called me drunk once. What else is going on? Liam said something about a nightmare, but that probably had something to do with the alcohol. Also, why does Liam know what's going on and not me? Louis and I have always been close, why don't I know what's going on with him?

"Haz, I'm not surprised he's been going to Liam" What? Why would Niall say that? "Not anything against you, Harry, it's just, there's a reason Li got the nickname 'Daddy Direction.' Anyway, Liam, why don't you tell us what else's goin' on. I'm curious"

"Well you know about the drinking. He's been smoking more too, I saw a lot of empty packs when I was over. I don't think he's been eating well, my guess is he just forgets"

"Forgets food!" Niall looks incredulous

"No need to be dramatic Ni" I chuckle a little. "Not all of us love food as much as you"

"As I was saying" Liam continues, ignoring our banter, "He had a nightmare last night, and as far as I know, it was at least the third one since his mum died, but there have probably been more"

Aw. Poor Lou. I hardly ever have nightmares, but it sucks to wake up terrified.

"Also, he's had a few...well I guess they were like emotional breakdowns but almost verging on panic attacks"

"What do you mean?" Louis has never been one to get emotional, and if Liam is comparing panic attacks, there must be some intense emotion.

"I've only seen it a couple times, but he's called me in the middle a few times too. I guess it starts pretty simply, he gets sad or upset and starts crying, but not just a little, he's sobbing. It gets out of his control to the point that he can't breathe, which makes him panic worse. A couple of times it's gotten so bad he's thrown up"

"Shit" I don't have anything better to say. That sounds so unlike the Louis I know.

"That's...intense" Niall is almost as bewildered as I am. "How do you get him out of it?"

"It kinda depends...I mean, you remember at X-factor when we all sat on the couch and cuddled? Usually just like that. Like, if I'm with him, I'll hold him, if not, I'll just talk softly, encourage him to breathe, that kind of thing. It...usually works"

"Usually?" I don't like the sound of that.

"Well last night it didn't. I ended up singing to him, though and that worked. He was weird after though. Probably just overwhelmed what with the hangover and nightmare and all..."

"I still don't get understand how this ageplay thing will help" I really don't get it.

"Well, he's not taking care of himself, so maybe he needs someone to take care of him" Niall has a point, but I'm not convinced.

"What would it involve?"

"That depends" Liam pauses. "He's going to have an age, and we will treat him exactly like we would a kid of that age. The specific age depends, we can pick one and try to force it, or just start doing stuff and see what age he is most comfortable with"

"Are we going to talk to Louis first?" I don't like the idea of springing this on him.

"We can try. I'm not sure how he'll take it. He still thinks he's fine."

"Well obviously he's not fine" Niall points out. "Shall we Skype all together to discuss it?"

"Sure, but at least one of us should be with him probably. Maybe me because I'm nearby and I've been there the most"

"Alright. I'll text him to set it up. Boxing Day alright?" I want to get involved, and get in direct contact with Louis myself.

"Sure. Thanks, Haz"

After we all sign off, I pull out my phone to text Louis.

"Happy 25th Louis! Hope it's going well. Just wanted to invite ya to a Skype band reunion on Boxing Day"

Not even 10 minutes later I get a response

"Thanks Harry. Celebrating with the fam. What's the reunion for?"

"You'll find out. Li will probly talk 2 u about it l8r. Now get back 2 ur party :)"

Well, hopefully he will be alright for the next couple of days. At least he will eat something, he won't completely forget about it with Christmas dinner, and hopefully his family will keep him from drinking too much. I'm mostly worried about how he'll do with sleeping, because Louis' never been a great sleeper, and if he's having nightmares like Liam said...

I hope you could follow the dialogue there...

So, the concept of ageplay came chapter they're going to bring it up with Louis :) How do you think he's going to take it?

It's going to be a long chapter, so it might be a day late (maybe not...I have it mostly written because I'm really excited about it)

Thank you everyone who has commented and voted and read! I really appreciate it!

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now