Chapter 5

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 "Louis? Lou-bear wake up!"

Louis' POV

I wake up from a terrifying nightmare to Danielle calling my name, my heart pounding and my body covered in sweat.

"Lou, are you alright? Were you dreaming? You were screaming," She says softly.

I shift to sit up so I can look at her and notice something...unusual and incredibly unpleasant. My bedsheets are soaked around my bottom half. Shit! Did I seriously just wet the bed? I need Danielle out now!

"Yeah...s'just a dream. M'alright" I mumble, feigning sleepiness as I try to hide my ragged breathing. "You can go back to bed. M'fine"

"Are you sure?" She questions, clearly concerned. I feel bad to lie, but I can't have her find out what just happened, so I just nod. "Alright, but if you need me, come find me, yeah?" I nod again, thankful that she doesn't push, but wishing she would just leave already. I need to get out of this bed and figure out what is happening!

After she leaves, I jump out of bed to discover that I did wet the bed. What the hell?! This is ridiculous! Nightmares two nights in a row and now wetting the bed?! I'm almost 25 years old! This isn't normal. What's happening to me?

I'm standing next to my bed, shaking both from shock and still from the nightmare. A couple of tears slip down my cheeks as I wonder what to do now. I want my mum! I start crying and breathing hard. No! I'm not doing this again. I know if I let myself surrender to the emotion I will end up making myself sick. But I can't calm down. I don't know how. I don't want to be alone. I could go get Danielle...but I really don't want her to see me like this. Lottie? No, she needs to believe that I'm staying strong, and this is basically the opposite of strong. Who can I call? As I get more stressed, my breathing quickens until I'm almost hyperventilating.

Liam! He was so helpful when I called from the hospital. Grabbing my phone, I hesitate briefly—it is the middle of the night—but call anyway. I need him right now.

"Lou? Wa's goin' on?" Liam slurs sleepily.

"L-Liam" I stutter between loud breaths.

"Louis! Are you alright? It's the middle of the night!" He's fully alert now.

"N-no" I'm sobbing audibly, though trying to stay quiet so Danielle won't hear.

"Shh Louis. Deep breaths mate. I need you to calm down so you can tell me what's going on" His voice is soothing. "Breath with me Lou" Slowly I calm down, my breaths evening out. "That's better, now what's up mate?"

"I...I guess I had a nightmare. Danielle woke me up because I was screaming or something I guess. And...and...Li" I trail off with a sob. I don't want to tell him, even though that's why I called.

"Oh bud. I'm sorry mate, that's rough" His voice is sad. "What else? It's okay, you can tell me"

"Li...I...I think..." I pause, then rush out: "I think I pissed the bed and I don't know what to do" My breathing speeds up again.

"Oh Lou, it's alright" Seriously Liam? It's not 'alright'! I pissed the flipping bed!

"No, it's not! I'm a grown man! I shouldn't be having nightmares and wetting the bed like a five-year-old!" I protest. This is disgusting and not normal!

"Shh. Calm Louis. You're just a little stressed and overwhelmed right now I think. Besides, everyone has nightmares sometimes. Now, you said Danielle woke you up. Why don't you get her to help you?" He suggests.

"No! She can't know! It's embarrassing, Li" Did he actually just suggest that?

"Fair enough. Um...what then? Okay, take off your wet clothes, and clean yourself off a bit with a damp washcloth. You should probably take your sheets off and maybe just leave them in the bathtub with a bit of water to soak. Then you can put clean PJs on and go sleep with Danielle."

"Okay. Thanks Liam. Sorry for waking you up" I feel a little sheepish now. This is the second time I have called him in a panic this week. I don't like showing this much emotion, no matter how understanding Liam is.

"No problem mate. I don't mind. I'm here whenever you need me"

After we hang up, I clean up like Liam suggested, then make my way to the spare room.

"Danielle?" I whisper, knocking softly on the half open door.

"Lou? What's up? She asks, clearly awake. Shit! She didn't hear my conversation with Liam, did she?

"Can-can I lie with you? I uh couldn't fall asleep on my own"

"Of course! C'mere" she says, pulling the blankets back.

Cuddling up next to her, I fall asleep quickly, thankful that she doesn't try to talk to me and just holds me as I drift off.

Here's Chapter 5. I anticipate the next one will be up Monday or Tuesday.

Please let me know what you think!

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now