Chapter 2

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Louis' POV

As my mind circles, faster and faster, the tears start up again, and this time, I don't hold them back.

I sit, curled up hugging my knees against the wall, and bury my face in my arms, sobbing. As my mind keeps whirling, my breath starts getting shorter until I can't get enough air and I start to panic as I try to control the sobs that just get harder and harder. Suddenly, I gag and lurch forward toward the toilet just in time as the little food I was able to eat today forces its way painfully up my throat. I crouch, vomiting, with tears still streaming down my face. When my stomach finally settles, I fall back against the wall, still trying to get my breath back, as my phone starts vibrating, indicating an incoming call.

Should I answer it? What if it's Dan or one of the girls and they need me? No, I probably wouldn't be able to talk. I can hardly breathe and I am still sobbing. I would just worry them. I need to calm down...but I can't. The phone has stopped, and looking down, I notice it was Liam, and he has left a voicemail.

"Hey mate. I'm so sorry. I know you're probably with your family right now but if you need anything, call me, alright. Whatever you need, I'm here for you."

Actually, Liam, I'm not with my family. I am curled on the floor of the loo by myself, shaking and sobbing next to a toilet full of vomit. With the thought of my current miserable state, I start crying harder again, and my breath starts to quicken. Crap! I don't want to puke again. I hate getting sick so much, especially on my own. I want my mum. My mum! And even though I didn't think it was possible, I begin to sob harder, barely breathing. I can't do this! What do I do? I reach out a trembling hand and speed dial Liam, knowing he will pick up quickly. Sure enough, he picks up after only two rings.

"Lou? How are you doing?" He asks softly.

"Li..." I gasp out between sobs.

"Louis...are you alright mate?" He questions worriedly, a calming tone in his voice.

"No...can't...make it stop...can't breathe...d-don't wanna be s-sick again...want m-mum!" I sob out, stuttering.

"Oh bud" Liam sighs. "Shh Lou, calm down. It's okay, you're going to be okay. Just breathe with me for a minute. Take a deep breath. I'm here," he soothes. After a minute or so of similar reassurances, I manage to quiet my sobs and breathe a bit more normally, though the tears are still falling slowly down my face. "Where are you right now Louis?" He asks.


"Where at the hospital Lou? Not with your family at the moment I presume..."

"L-loo" I stutter.

"Needed to get away?" He guesses, still in a quiet, calming voice.

"Yeah...Oh shit! I should get back. How long have I been in here? Crap, they're probably looking for me. They're gonna be worried. No! no I need to get back they can't be worried about me I need to take care of them..." And with that I start getting upset again.

"No Lou...Shh. You need to take care of yourself. Calm down a moment and talk to me." Liam says soothingly. When I have calmed down a little he keeps talking. "What's going on? You said you were sick earlier. Are you ill mate?"

"No...don't t-think I'm ill...just um...c-couldn't um breathe" I'm trying to stop crying and I don't want to tell him how upset I was, that I cried myself sick.

"It's alright mate. I understand. Just keep breathing. Cry if you need to, I understand, I won't judge you Lou. Do you need me to come? I'm in London at the moment...wouldn't take too long to get there."

"No, I'll be fine Liam. I should get back soon" Now that I have myself under control again, I'm a little embarrassed that I called Liam in such a state, but I know it was a good thing to do.

"If that's what you want. If you change your mind or need anything at any point, just call. I'm here whenever you need me."

"Thanks mate. Appreciate it." If he keeps talking like that I'm going to break down again, and I don't want that. I need to go make sure Dan and the girls are okay.

"No problem. Stay strong Lou, but remember it's okay to be not okay sometimes"

"Bye Liam"

And with that I hang up and, after flushing the toilet and washing my face, make my way back to the room where the rest of my family waits.

Okay I am pretty sure the next chapter will have some beginnings of ageplay, but no promises...

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now