Chapter 8

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"Shh, you're alright, Lou. We're all here for you darling. Now, do you want to tell us what that was about, Boo?"

Louis' POV

Well, that was embarrassing, but it also felt really good to be held while I cried for once. Not that I'll admit it. I try to find my voice to answer Liam's question.

"I...I don't know...just...that was really hard and...and what Simon said and I miss mum and I missed you lads and I didn't know you were all going to be here and...and...I guess it just got overwhelmed I guess...I'm sorry" I stumble over my words a few times and my voice definitely cracks, but I manage, barely, to stop myself from crying again.

This time it's Niall who speaks.

"Oh Louis, it's okay to be sad, and I understand that you're overwhelmed. We won't judge you for crying. It's healthier than bottling up all your feelings. Now, why don't we get ready to go to the club. We can chat there more, with drinks and food!" I can't help chuckling a little. Typical Nialler, trying to use booze and food to cheer people up.

I arrive at the club with Lottie. The lads and I had to arrive separately for a number of reasons. The paps for one, and something to do with Modest! I think, but I'm not entirely sure. Dan and Danielle meet us there as well. It's a really nice time of conversation, reminiscing, and partying, but as it gets later, it's mostly partying. I've always been one to enjoy a good night out, and tonight I just need to forget about some of my stress.


As the night goes on, Louis gets increasingly drunk, to the point that his friends and family are getting worried.

Niall has to leave before the party is over, as he has obligations in the USA the next day. He says goodbye to everyone before having a few words with Louis.

"Hey Lou. I've got to go now, but I want you to know that you can call me whenever you need. Stay strong and don't get too pissed tonight aye? Love ya mate" And with a quick hug, he leaves Louis a little befuddled and disappointed that Niall was only around for a few hours.

Louis mingles, chatting, for a little longer before getting another drink and heading outside for a smoke and a bit of quiet. As he is coming back inside, he stumbles a bit, running right into Harry, who grabs onto him.

"Whoa mate! Little tipsy, are we?" Harry's tone is concerned yet playful, but in Louis' alcohol-addled brain, it comes across as condescending, and he get's mad. He doesn't feel drunk, and even if he is, he deserves a few drinks tonight of all nights.

Wrenching himself out of Harry's grasp, Louis grumbles, sounding like a toddler having a tantrum "'M not drunk. Lemme go!" and stomps off to the bar, where he swiftly orders a couple shots, wanting to completely lose himself to the numbness of the alcohol. He sits sulking for a while before Liam comes over, sitting next to him with a concerned face. When Louis goes to order another drink, Liam stops him.

"Hey, Lou, I think you've had enough, aye?" He is trying to be gentle, but Louis really doesn't appreciate the interference with his plans.

"Liam. You're not my father. You have no right to stop me from drinking. Why does everybody keep telling me to stop? I'm having fun, I'm not even that drunk!" He's shouting, and people are watching. Liam pulls his older, but smaller, bandmate tight to his chest in a bear hug for a minute before speaking softly.

"I know I don't have any authority over you Lou-bear. I'm not trying to, 'm just worried that you're going to overdo it tonight because I know you're stressed. I don't want you to be too hungover tomorrow because I know it hits you hard, especially when you're this tired already" At this reassurance, Louis surrenders to the embrace, relaxing into Liam as the alcohol begins to take its effect.

"Why don't we get you home Lou? It's getting pretty late." But Louis is unsteady on his feet from the alcohol, and can't leave with the lads, so Liam gets Harry to find Lottie.

Louis and Lottie leave the club together, his arm around her shoulder seeming to shield her from the paparazzi, but truthfully, it's wrapped around her to use as a support, as he is now realizing that he is quite intoxicated.

So...the boys are starting to get protective of Louis. 

Sorry it's taking so long for the actual ageplay to start, I just have a lot of ideas for lead-up.

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now