Chapter 15

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[Louis] falls asleep almost instantly, and it doesn't take long for me to follow suit.  

Liam's POV

I wake up still curled next to Louis at about 9:30. Not enough sleep, but it's not like I will be able to fall back asleep at this point. I don't want to wake Louis, as he's best off sleeping as long as he can, so I guess I will just lay here with him for now.

I was worried before, but I'm really worried now. Nothing that happened last night was good. He got really drunk, he had a nightmare and wet the bed, he had (still probably has) a massive hangover. It took me a long time to get him to calm down from his nightmare, and when he did, he was in a weird mood. I don't know what I can do.

Reaching out, careful not to jostle Louis, I grab my phone and shoot a text to the group chat with Niall and Harry.

"We need to talk about Louis. Skype later?"

That done, I put my phone down and settle in to wait for Louis to wake up.

Louis' POV

When I open my eyes, the light is blinding and sends an instant blast of pain through my head. I curse as I curl into myself, trying to hide from the light. "Damn hangover"

"Got a headache, Lou?" a familiar voice asks softly. "I've got painkillers if you want"

I hold out a hand for the pills, my eyes still shut tight. "Liam? What are you doing here?" In fact, what am I doing here? This is my guest room, not my bedroom. I don't remember what happened last night...guess I got pretty hammered, judging by the pain in my head. But then, why is my stomach not swirling? Not that I'm complaining...

"Don't you remember Lou? You called me to bring you home because you were drunk beyond walking"

"Huh. What am I doing in the guest room?" I know Liam knows which one is my bed, so why would I end up in here?

"Well you had a nightmare and puked all over your bed so I brought you in here"

"Oh. Okay" That's embarrassing. The pain in my head has eased a bit, so I get up. "Thanks for taking me home Li. I'm just gonna go get dressed"

I make my way to my room, where I throw on a shirt. I notice the bed is stripped and the sheets are in a pile on the floor. I guess I should wash them. As I get close, I realize they stink of vomit but also something else...something familiar...

Shit! I must have pissed the bed again last night! How could I do that! Why didn't Liam tell me that part?

Grabbing the sheets, I throw them in the wash before finding Liam in my kitchen making pancakes.

"Why didn't you tell me I pissed the bed?"

He jumps, probably startled by my sudden appearance and harsh tone of voice. Or maybe he's surprised I found out what he was trying to hide from me. "Oh. I guess I didn't think it was that important"

"Not important?! Liam, are you telling me that losing control of my bodily functions is not that important?" I'm mad, not necessarily at Liam but more at myself, and so I speak somewhat sassily.

"Look Lou, you were drunk last night, passed out as soon as you hit the mattress. Anyone would have wet the bed in that state" Why doesn't he understand?

"Li, I've never done that before. Not when I was drunk anyways...only...uh..." I trail off, not wanting to finish my thought.

"I've never seen you that drunk before either Louis. Do you want to talk about what happened last night?"

"No" I don't feel like talking at all, especially not about last night if it involves me pissing myself.

"Right, well, Happy Birthday mate! I've made you some breakfast"

We sit at the table and eat in a slightly awkward silence. I scroll through Twitter, seeing a lot of birthday wishes, so I send out a quick thanks before speaking once more.

"Look Liam, I'm sorry. I've been rather rude this morning. You don't deserve it, you've done so much to help."

"Aw Lou, I don't blame you. It's okay. Actually, nope. I won't forgive you." What? My confusion must show on my face, because he laughs. "I won't forgive you until you give me a hug and help me with the dishes"

Sorry, this is kind of a filler chapter. The next one will have some important stuff in it.

How much involvement should Zayn have with the story? I'm trying to decide...

Anyway, thank you all for reading!

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now