“Vic, Mia is here.” Niall turns his head to shout through the house.

Turning his head back around to Harry and I, he invites us into the house.

“Mia I’m upstairs.” I hear Victoria shout.

I look to Harry first and he smiles at me, sitting down at the kitchen table. Thanks Harry I guess I’m doing this alone then. You just make yourself at home whilst I go and find out the truth. Wow I love his support sometimes! As I make my way up the stairs, I go to room that Victoria shouted from. Walking in I notice that she is straightening her hair.

“Hey you alright?” Victoria looks at me through the mirror.

“I’m not too bad, yourself?” I take a seat on the corner of the bed.

“Don’t lie to me. You are not okay are you? What’s up? Is it Harry again?” Resting the hair straighteners on the desk, she turns to face me.

I have to admit that she looks kind of funny meaning half of her hair is up in a messy bun whilst the other half is straight, flowing down her shoulders.

“No it’s not Harry. We are fine now…I think.” We seem okay now. Harry and I can sort things out pretty fast when we finally listen to each other.

“So what is it then?” She questions.

“Do you know Immy?” I spit out the question like there is no tomorrow.

“Yeah I know her…why?” Victoria asks.

“I don’t want to believe this but are you giving her information about me and Harry? Because I went online before to see that the only friend I have mutual with Immy is you and Immy told Harry that she is getting information from my social networks and that’s impossible when my profiles are protected. So the only way she is getting information about me is from somebody I know…and that person seems to be you.” I don’t look to Victoria, but keep my stare to blank wall facing me.

“Yeah I’ve talked about you to Immy, but that’s before I knew that she was Harry’s ex. Niall was shocked when she came to visit me one day and he told her to get out of the house. Niall then sat me down to explain how he knew Immy but I felt bad about the way Niall treated her so I went for a coffee with her to explain and we just had a normal chat and yeah I suppose you were brought up in the conversation.” Victoria looks so confused right now as am I.

“What was Immy doing here in the first place? How long have you known her?” I ask.

“All my life. I know that she has caused trouble for the family for a long time but I thought she might have changed but the drama she caused between you and Harry I’m guessing that she hasn’t changed one bit.” Wait did she just say family?

“Hang on. What do you mean family?” I now turn my stare to her.

“Yeah. I can’t choose my cousins Mia.”

“Cousins.” I choke.

“Yes Immy is my cousin.” Victoria giggles.

Victoria and Immy are cousins? When the hell did that come about?

“So I’m guessing she was just asking about me and you casually answered thinking nothing of it.” I scrunch my eyebrows trying to make some sense out of this situation.

“Yes, she mentioned you and Harry. I thought that it was strange about how she knew about you both but I thought I may have said something in the past and forgotten. But when Immy left and Niall explained to me that she used to date Harry, it all began to makes sense. I didn’t really think much of it though so that’s why I didn’t say anything.” Victoria sits by me on the bed.

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