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Five months later I'm rushing into the hospital with Amber. It's three in the morning. Amber woke up to pain and a few minutes later her water broke in bed. "Hey I called on the way here. My girlfriend went into labor." I said as we got inside. "What's her name?" The nurse asked. "Amber Smith." I answered. "Ah Yes. Your room is ready. Nurse Kelsey here we'll take you up now." She told us. Kelsey brought a wheelchair over and I helped Amber into the seat.

"Follow me ma'am." We hurried into elevator. Then we were soon in our room. She hooked Amber up to some machines and started taking... notes? I don't know she was writing something down. "First kid?" She asked glancing at me. "Yeah it is." I said. "I can tell. You look really nervous." She said. "Yeah I guess I am. But that's to be expected." I said. "Yeah it is. I've seen guys and girls pass out." She said. She finished was she was writing and was about to leave.

"And for the future. Don't look at her vagina while she's pushing. But if you do be sure your ready." She said and left. "Oh my gosh! Babe!" Amber groaned out. I rushed over and grabbed her hand. "Hey I'm right here." I told her. "If I die I'm ripping your dick off so you can die slowly." She said. "But how if your dead?" I asked. Amber glared at me and squeezed the life out of my hand. "Wanna find out?" She asked. "No ma'am." I breathed out.


"Alright Amber. On the count of three push as hard as you can." Doctor Daniel said. "Baby you got this." I whispered to her and kissed her head. "1... 2... 3..." As soon as he said three Amber pushed. "Your doing great Amber. Now breath." He told her. This continued a few more times. "Alright baby you got this. In just a few minutes our son will be here." I said trying to boost Amber up. "Yeah I got this. I'm to strong to give up when my pussy is being violently stretched." She said.

"Oh um... ok. Let's get him out then." I said. Soon the room was filled with cry's from my son. "Here you go." A nurse handed me some small scissors and I cut the umbilical cord. "You did amazing babygirl." I said to Amber. "I know I did. But we're never doing this again. At least not for a while." She said. "I can agree with that."


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