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"Y/n you got this ok?" Normani reassured me. I nodded. "Just remember to give her the flowers, compliment her, and just breath." She told me. "Ok. I got this. I can do this." I said. We were on our way Skylar's house. Mani is going to drive us to the carnival. Then when the dates over she'll pick up. "So how come you're not telling your mom about this?" She asked. I sighed and shook my head. "Because she's been acting weird lately. So I told her I wanted to do something for Sky since she's always had my back. So she let me go after a few minutes of begging and whining." I told her.

We pulled up in front of the house. I let out a deep breath as Mani headed me the flowers. Dahlia lilacs were Sky's favorite. "Now go before you have a heart attack. You got this." Mani said. I nodded and got out the car. As I walked up to the door I seemed to get more nervous. I mean yeah Skylar has been my since best friend since we were three. But I'm still nervous. My heart is beating so fast. When I got to the door I knocked on it.

The door opened to one of Sky's mom. Kristen. "Hello Y/n." She said. "Hi Mrs Adams. I'm here to take Skylar on a date." I said trying not to stutter. "Don't be nervous sweetie. Come in. Skylar's almost done." She told me. I nodded and walked in. She waved to Mani before closing the door behind us. We went to the living room while we waited. "I feel like I'm supposed to have a talk with you. But I trust you wouldn't intentionally hurt my daughter. I know you'll take care of her as well. All I have to say is..." She trailed off and looked around. "No sex until you are at least graduated from high school." She told me.

"Oh um yes ma'am. I don't plan on doing that yet anyways." I told her. She smiled and nodded. "She's ready!" I heard Skylar's other mom, Racheal, say from behind me. "Hey Y/n." Sky said as I stood up. "Hi. You look very pretty." I said just like Mani told me to do. "Oh and these flowers are for you. I got your favorite. Dahlia lilacs." I handed the flowers to her. "Thank you. Can you put this up for me mama?" Sky asked Rachel. She nodded and took the flowers. "Ready to go?" I asked. "Yeah. Let's go." I grabbed her hand and lead her out the house. Then we both got in the back seat.

A/n~ For those of you who have trouble sleeping at night. How do you go to sleep when you can't? Cause the other night I couldn't fall asleep at all.

Also would y'all like to see the date in the next chapter or skip it? I don't mind writing it.



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