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"Thin or the thick ones?" I asked Amber who I was FaceTiming. "The thin ones. Thick pads hurt my vagina." She said making me cringe. "Don't they all tho?" I asked. "I mean it's uncomfortable but the thick ones always give me a rash." She said. "That's interesting. Anyways orange ones right?" I asked. "Yes. Now go get me some ice cream please." She said and pouted. "I know chick. I'm going." I said and made my way to the frozen food aisle with my cart.

I stopped to take a picture with a guy who was a fan of my dad. Then continued on to the aisle. I opened up the freezer door and looked for her favorite mango ice cream. "You know I used to have a crush on you." Amber randomly said. I grabbed the ice cream, put it in the cart, then looked at her. "Really? What happened to that?" I asked now curious. "Because I knew you were in love with Skylar. Plus she was my best friend." She told me.

"Was huh? Yo whatever happened to y'all friendship anyways? I never got the full story to what happened." I asked and made my way to check out. "Um it's a long story. I'll tell you about it but not now. I promise babe." She said. "Alright but one last question." I told her. "No I won't suck your dick." She joked making me laugh. "You still like me?" I asked. Her laughing stopped and she went silent. "Hurry back before my ice cream melts. I need those pads too." She said avoiding my question. "Aight we'll talk when I get back."


"About time you got back." Amber said as she dug through the bags. I placed the ice cream in the freezer and put away other snacks I got. Amber grabbed the pads and quickly went to her bathroom. "Hey guys." I greeted Kayla and Tif who were watching a movie. They just waved me off to focused in the movie. I didn't forget about the talk I was planning on having with her. I knew she knew that too. So I went in her room, closed the door, and sat on her bed. Minutes later she finally came out. "Oh hey." She said nervously. "Hey Amber. Let's talk."

A/n~ohhhhhhh... this could go either way. I hurt y'all feelings or bless y'all souls. You'd never know.


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