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I was up early in the morning getting Amber a banana smoothie and Nutella. She's been craving fruit a lot. Which I guess isn't to bad. "Babe I'm back!" I shouted and closed the front door. Making sure to lock it. I went into the living where she was and handed her the food. "Thank you." She said. "Do you want go on a date?" I asked her. "We haven't been on one in a while. But where?" She asked. "Let's go see a movie. We can go see the one you wanted to see." I told her. "Really? I'd love to go on a date with you." She said. "Great. We'll go later on."


"Babe..." Amber whined and patted my arm. We are at the movies watching some sad movie. Basically the kid got cancer and his parents are doing everything they can for him. "Oh my God babe!!" She whined more and hit my arm harder. It was close to the end of the moving and the boy was dying. The doctors were trying to bring him back. "No! I can't believe he did!" Amber cried.

I chuckled as I saw more girls with their friend or partner crying too. I wrapped my arm around her to comfort. Soon we left the movie and threw our trash away. We got in the car and I headed back home. "I'm never watching another movie again." Amber said. "You day that every time babe." I teased. "So? This time I mean it."  "Ok let's see how long it takes before you see another movie." I said. My phone started ringing so I asked Amber to be on speaker. I knew it was my dad since his ringtone was In Your Phone.

"What up Daddy-o!" I said. "Y/n I need you to come to this house now." He said frantically. "What? What happened?" I asked. I pulled into a store parking lot and turned around. "Someone broke into the house while I was gone." He told me. "Is mom and Nicholas ok?" I asked. "Yeah. Just get here as fast as you can." He said. "Ok I'll be there in twenty."

A/n~ idea by @Sarahlovato19


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