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Dinah's POV

"Where is she?" Lauren said as she paced the room. "Ok so can you tell me exactly what happened?" I asked. So this morning I flew in to surprise Y/n. Cause I missed my little sister. Oh Normani and Ally are also here. They also wanted to surprise her. "Ok..." Lauren explained everything that happened and the argument they had. "Well I see why she left. I would've too." I said. Ally smacked my arm. "Dinah." Ally warned me. "No Ally. Let her talk." Lauren said.

"You keep Y/n locked up in this house. For what? Because you were scared of her getting hurt again. I understand you being scared but that doesn't mean lock her in the house. Hell I was scared too. You should've talked to her instead. Things would've went way better than it is now." I ranted. "I agree with Dinah. Y/n is probably overwhelmed with emotions right now. You hurt her Lauren. Especially when you told her she couldn't see Skylar anymore." Mani said.

"I guess I'd have to agree with them." Ally said. "I know. I fucked up. But this isn't going to help us find Y/n." Lauren said. "All we can do is wait. We've already spoken to the cops and now we just have to wait. If you want we can go look around." Ally suggested. "Yeah. Let's do that." Lauren said and quickly grabbed her keys. But Normani took them from her. "I'll drive." She said.

Y/n's POV

I was walking down the street eating a hamburger I got from a food truck. Luckily I had money in my pocket. But it won't last me long. I don't know where I am and I honestly don't care. As long as I'm away from home then I'm good. And because my phone died last night. When I ran out I didn't stop till I got tired. I was just so mad and sad that I didn't pay attention to where I was going. But I wish I did now. I'm pretty sure I'm on the other side of town. I guess I'll have to figure out later. But for now I'm going to enjoy this delicious burger.

A/n~short? I know.



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