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"Come on mom! This is not cool!" I yelled and banged on my bedroom door. "What's the magic word?" She asked from the other side. "Please! The magic word is please! I've been saying for the past hour!" I said in frustration. "Correct. But I'm still not letting you out." She said making me whine. "But mom... I got to pee." I said. "Well that's a good thing you have a bathroom in your room. Now if you excuse me I got to go shower." She laughed and I heard her walking off. "No! Get back here. Please..." Some how my mom managed to lock me in my room. It can only be locked from the inside. So I have no idea how she did it. I would go out my window but I hurt my knee during track. I guess all I can do is wait now.

Lauren's POV

Today Dinah and Skylar showed up. Y/n was in the shower at the time so we decided to do a little prank on her. Since she pranked me yesterday. Her and Ty threw ice on me why I was in the shower. So why not lock her cripple ass in the room. She can't go nowhere. All we did was tie a rope to the door knob and to the staircase. Easy enough, right?

"How long do you think she'll hold up  there?" Sky asked. "Hard to say. I'm sure she gots snacks in there to at least last her a few hours. But I'm not sure." I said. "I say she sneaks out the window." Dinah said. "No way. Y/n hurt her knee at practice." I told her. "I say she falls asleep." Sky says. "That or she plays her video game the entire time." I said.


"I've never had homemade pizza Lauren. But this is delicious." Skylar said. "I told you it'll be good." I said with a grin. "Hey what time is it?" Dinah asked. "Just hit five thirty." I told her after looking at my phone. "OH MY SHIT!! WE FORGOT ABOUT Y/n!!!" I shouted as realization hit me. I ran upstairs and took the rope down. Which took some time cause Dinah tied it tight. When I got in Y/n room I found her sleep. Chips spilled on her stomach, candy hanging out her mouth, and That's So Raven playing on the tv.

"You are the worst prankster ever." Dinah said from behind me. "I know right. How do you forget about a prank you planned?" Sky asked. "Forget y'all. Y'all helped me do it." I said. "Go ahead Lauren. Play the victim." Dinah said. I rolled my eyes and pouted.

A/n~ how old are y'all?

What are you doing for the Fourth of July?



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