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Lauren's POV

"Wait- how did you get this?" Officer Samatha asked Andrew. "The same way y'all do it. Only faster." He said. Skylar and the twins came over and said they knew where Y/n was. So I immediately called the cops to come help. "This would've taken us a day to do and you did it under a few hours." She said in shock. "I'll gather up a team and we'll head out as soon as possible." Samatha said.

Y/n's POV

Lorenzo and Joe were standing off in the corner whispering about something. They seemed agitated about something. I could hear some of the conversation cause Joe doesn't know how to whisper. "What if they don't?" Joe asked. "Either way she won't make it out of here alive." I heard. I've never been so scared. What if I never get to see my parents again. My brother, friends, or aunts.

Lorenzo's phone rang and he answered it. "Yeah. Ok I'll send you an address and have someone pick it up." He said before hanging up. "That was the cops. They're sending someone to drop off the cash." He told Joe. Lorenzo untied me but kept a strong grip on me while Joe picked out the window. "No their not. It's a trap." Joe said. "What do you mean?" Lorenzo asked. "I just saw the cops running up behind trees. We need to make a run for in. She's coming with." He said.

I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't. Banging on the front door cause him to grip harder and drag me through the house. "Help!" I yelled. Joe punched me before tying my arms behind my back and stuffing a cloth in my mouth. Once out the door they rushed towards the woods. "Their back here!" Cops started coming around the corner but stopped when a gun was pointed at my head. I froze in fear. Was he really willing to shot his own daughter?

"Give us the Y/n and you'll get your money!" A cop yelled. "We know it's a trap! You'll get Y/n while we get nothing!" Lorenzo yelled. "Come any closer and I'll kill her." He yelled. I was dragged further in the woods. When we got far enough I was thrown to the ground. "We're not getting out of this man." Joe said and pulled at his hair. "You know what you got to do Lorenzo." He said and stepped back. Lorenzo putted his gun at me as I squirmed and tried to beg him not to. But it was muffled. "Sorry Y/n. But I hope you understand." Then everything went black. I guess he would shot his daughter.


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