“You and your sayings.” She laughs.

“How did you even know that I was here?” I question.

“You little slag of a girlfriend put it on Facebook. Meaning you blocked me I found Leah…”

“It’s Mia!” I snap.

“Whatever. Anyway I’ve been looking for you for a while now so this was the only way.” She shrugs.

“So you though you would stalk me and my girlfriend. Your head is fucking twisted!” She’s not only a slag but also a stalker too. This day gets better and better!

“You know that I won’t give up Harry. I never have.” Her wicked grin shows.

“I can tell.” I huff.

“Don’t think you are getting rid of me that easy Styles.”

“Move out of my way.” Grabbing the dirty pots, I shove past Immy.

“No manners as usual I see.” She shouts as I make my way down the stoned path.

I can’t stay here knowing that she is here. How the hell am I meant to explain this to Mia? I’m sure walking into the tent and saying

‘Oh we need to leave because I have a psycho ex following me around trying to get me into bed with her.’

Yeah I’m sure that wouldn’t go down to well.

 I can’t fucking believe it. I couldn’t be camping in a place more isolated than I am now and she still finds me! Do I need any more bad luck in my life? I thought that I got rid of her for good.

Let me explain. When I was around seventeen, Immy was unfortunately my big crush and I wanted her in my bed which I got. I didn’t really want any relationship with her but she begged me so I said that I would give it a try but she was too controlling. She wanted to know where I was, what I was doing, who I was with every day and it fucking got on my nerves but I kept my mouth shut. Anyway one night we were both invited to a party and she got off with one of my best friends at the time, of course it hurt me. I couldn’t believe she actually did it in front of my eyes and I can’t believe that Damien didn’t refuse her. So after her that’s why I never really trusted girls and gave no respect to them until I met Mia of course. She brought the sun into my dark world that I once lived in, and she’s the hottest, most respectful girl I know.

I would take a bullet for Mia, she means everything to me. I know that I don’t tell her this often but I do truly love her. I know Immy she will do everything in her will to split us up and she won’t stop until she has finally done it! I don’t really get what Immy’s obsession is over me? Why can’t she understand that I want nothing to do with her anymore?

Walking back over to the tent, I think of ideas to make Mia leave the campsite now.

Mia’s Pov.

Since Harry has gone to wash the dishes, I’ve had the chance to clean around the tent. At least you can walk around in it now without falling over some kind of object. I can’t forget when we came in the tent last night and Harry tripped over the kettle. Now that was something that needed to be recorded. He was fuming because the water out of the kettle soaked him before he got into bed. Luckily it was cold water which hadn’t yet been boiled.

I’m now sitting on my chair, spinning my phone around in my hand.

Max hasn’t been in touch once and I’m beginning to get really worried now. He knows that I panic when I can’t get a hold of him because he knows that I’m a worrier. I always have been and I always will be.

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