thirty-seven ; my happy ending

Start from the beginning

Klaus didn't walk right in at first, simply knocking and standing patiently with his hands on either side of the door frame. "Melody, love? Don't you think it's time to eat breakfast? We still have a full day ahead of us."

The door swung open and he saw his girlfriend standing there with a glare aimed that was killing him from the inside. Before he could get a word out, she yanked his arm and pulled him inside the room, slamming the door shut. Melody's hands were bloody but not too much, fire was licking her fingertips. Klaus knew what was happening. Right as he went to soothe her, she pressed her hand on the back of his head and pushed his lips to her's.

A gasp from him was muffled as she pulled harder at his hair. She pushed him against the wall but this was not the direction he wanted to go in. He was not about to make out with her and possibly develop into something more serious. No. She was vulnerable and she needed to calm down.

"Love," he mumbled against her soft lips that were rough at that moment. "Calm down, relax."

"Stop talking," she growled out, tugging harder as she bit his lower lip.

Klaus knew that she was only taking her anger out on him. He wasn't about to go through. "Melody." He used his strength to flip them so she was pressed against the wall instead. "No." The brunette pulled back to stare at him with wide eyes, confused but her anger was still prominent. "You need to calm down." He grabbed one of her hands and moved them to his shirt, letting her hand stay over his beating heart. "Breathe."

She took a deep breath, the fire disappeared. "What do you not want me?"

"Of course I want you," he replied, shaking his head as if the thought was absolutely absurd. "Just not like this, not when you aren't thinking straight. You asked me to pull you back and that's what I am trying to do. Now, breathe."

Melody was stubborn but did as he said because she knew that he was right. So she closed her eyes, taking deep breaths, feeling his heart beating against her hand. And just like that, her anger began to fade, every bit of fire disappeared, a sigh escaped her. He waited patiently, letting her take her time. Then when she opened her eyes, they were soft and no longer dark looking. "Thank you." Her voice was quiet as if saying so was difficult.

He smiled gently at her, keeping her hand there. "Just doing what you told me too."

She rolled her eyes though there was a teasing smile on her face. "Whatever. Take the compliment and shut it." She dropped her hand and then tilted her chin up to kiss him lightly. The kiss ended too soon for both of their liking yet neither went back for more. When they pulled away, she was embarrassed so she quickly moved onto a new topic. "What are we going to do? About Elena?"

Klaus hummed lowly, shrugging. "The choice is yours. I should have enough blood to make my hybrids."

Melody instantly pulled away, looking down to make sure he didn't see the irritation in her eyes. "Right."

Suddenly the door opened wide and Pan entered. They both looked over at him to see his eyes narrow at them both. He looked at her, then at Klaus, then back at her. He pointed his finger at them both. "We are going to discuss this later." Melody rolled her eyes again, rubbing her temple. "But right now, we have a problem."

"When do we not?" his daughter mumbled.

Pan stepped forward, throwing his hand towards the door. "Some random guys just kidnapped Rebekah."

They both became alert. Klaus glared heatedly at him, moving closer to the seemingly teenage boy. "She was what? Why didn't you help her? Why didn't go after her?"

Pan pretended to consider his options. "Huh, let me think about this. I could either make sure that the three of us weren't caught or I could run out there with my arms waving around like I just won the lottery."

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now