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~◇~◇~◇~ Avery's POV:

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Avery's POV:

I felt the loss of Kyle's arms around me as soon as I woke up. My eyes opened and I realised that I was in my own bedroom, laying on my bed. As I looked around me, I found a note on my nightstand.

" We're going out. Be ready by eight. Dress nice. -K"

As I read the note, a smile spread across my face. I excitedly skipped towards Addison's room and showed her the note and Addison squealed in return. We spent some time looking for dresses to wear in Addison's closet. Kessa also showed up two hours later with some pizza and all three of us couldn't help but stuff our mouths with it while dancing around in our dresses.

Everyone in the group was going to a famous French restaurant who's name I still cant pronounce even after Addison repeating in front of me thousands of times. It was Kyle's idea and no one knew why he had called all of us for dinner.

I was dressed in short, off-the-shoulder black dress with a sweetheart neckline. While Addison was wearing a red dress and Kessa had gone with a white top with a pink flowy skirt.

"Wow, I bet Kyle wont be able to take his eyes off you." Kessa said and Addison whistled in the background.

Jace and Matt picked us up from our house and we arrived at the restaurant by eight-thirty. As we reached our table, I saw James already there talking to Kyle.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked Kyle and as soon as my eyes met Kyle's, I shivered from their intensity. Something was definitely wrong over here.

"As sure as I'll ever be." His eyes never left mine as he said that. This wasn't the fun, playful Kyle nor the cocky, arrogant jerk. The one sitting in front of me with his back tensed and his jaw clenched, was the dark and mysterious Kyle, the one staring at me with emotionless eyes. The one that didn't care.

Addison and Kessa didn't really know what was going on while Jace and Matt didn't realise the tension in the room. The only one who did know was James who was busy looking between us like an nuclear explosion was going to take place any second.

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