Character Profiles: Convention of Cats (6-10)

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Super strength, flight and invulnerability are among Atom's known powers - he is loyal to the Glass Cat and totally dedicated to the cat cause, often acting as bodyguard or enforcer.

Cosmo Cat - One of two super cats working for The Glass Cat, Cosmo also originated from a comic book (All Tops Comics 1, 1945 published by the defunct company Fox Features).

Best friends with his fellow anthropomorphic upright super cat Cosmo, the pair are now similar in height (between five to six feet tall) and highly muscled build. In his original reality he was a technician in a munitions plant during the second world war, he was caught in the blast of an experimental U-235 bomb. The resultant energy release endowed Cosmo with flight, super strength and invulnerability, which he maintains by ingesting cosmic catnip capsules.

Cosmo resided in a lab on the moon and would watch earth and the spaceways for signs of trouble, which he could reach by using his cat-rocket. He sometimes worked with a side kick called Dunky Duck.

Cosmo has grey fur, with a white lower face and inside of ears. His costume fully covers him and consists of a red top with a small yellow C and red boots. He wears blue tight trousers and has white gloves and a short dark cape.

On arrival in the Mythlands Cosmo eventually found a kindred spirit in Atom the Cat and the pair were both recruited by Bungle, the Glass Cat and act as his loyal unquestioning enforcers.

Bungle has shared his theory that they don't need to rely on the cosmic catnip and fish to maintain their powers - that this is just a placebo and maybe just part of a false reality before they manifested in the Mythlands. To date the supercats still use their catnip and fish, fearful of losing their abilities if they didn't.

Ginger - First appearing in the seventh and final Narnia book 'The Last Battle,' (published 1956) by C.S. Lewis, Ginger was an orange tomcat with green eyes and a silky voice full of charm and persuasiveness. He used his charm to question the existence of the god-like Aslan, who had not been seen in Narnia for generations. Ginger instead posited the foreign god Tash as the true god, although he didn't actually believe and was running a con with others such as the ape Shift and the Calormene warlord Rishda Tarkaan.

When Tash actually manifested and attacked Ginger, the Narnian cat was so terrified that he lost his ability to speak and became an ordinary cat.

During the Convention of Cats, the Glass Cat invites Ginger to speak about the persecution going on in the present Aslanist State of Narnia. Although Ginger has recovered his wits, he is still mute but has learned how to sign with his paws. A newcomer, Griffin J Cat, who has crossed over from the mortal realm and been given the ability to speak, is able to translate Ginger's story but breaks down and cries when the horrors are revealed, hugging an equally tearful Ginger.

It transpires that after the Last Battle when the ultimate version of Narnia came about, all the unworthy were left behind and seemingly ceased to exist. However everyone was reborn when Narnia manifested in the Mythlands. Closing their borders and becoming isolationist and highly religious, the Narnian authorities and most of the populace were incensed that the unworthy were once again among them.

Various races and creatures deemed evil by association were then subject to systematic persecution - despite the disappearance of most of the evil forces of Queen Jadis, the White Witch, which the Narnian church used to justify it's position of righteousness, the remnants of the black dwarves, boggles, ghouls, hags, giants and others who had not fought on the side of evil, were rounded up and put into camps - some were purged and those purges extended to everyone who didn't worship Aslan or demonstrate sufficient loyalty to the state.

The time between the end of the Great Battle, the ultimate paradise version of Narnia and the arrival in The Mythlands was short, a matter of weeks or months and everyone had reappeared where they were - some of the enemy forces and their families had fled across the border including the invading Calormenes. Ginger went with them into the desert where he eventually regained his senses.

After some time he slipped back into Narnia and spent a few years hiding in the forests unaware of the purges, trials, exiles and public executions. Eventually Ginger went to look for his wife and kittens, only to discover they had been killed in the purges, condemned by association.  

Eventually Ginger was able to make the journey east and was given refuge by the Brother and Sisterhood of Cats.

The Glass Cat uses his tale to stir up outrage against Narnia, steering part of the blame towards monarchies and even the Tortoise and MCI, who he blames for not intervening and turning a blind eye - his plan is twofold, to get the full support of the cats in actions against Ozma, designed to provoke her and destabilize the throne of Oz and also to announce a mission to Narnia, where Ginger would guide a group including Griffin and the captured Styrr.

Ginger returns to Narnia and the Glass Cat's allies hook up with the Narnian resistance.

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