Eyes That Watch

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The Golden Goose tucked his towel under his wing and stepped out of his suite. He waddled down the plush red carpeted hallway to the elevators, humming a tune as he did so.

Ting. Ground floor.

It was getting late and the evening shift were making the changeover.

The Goose made his way to the front desk where he spotted The Glass Cat, perched atop the counter.

'Evening Bungle.'

The cat looked up and stretched. 'Good evening Mr Goose. Do you require assistance? If so, I shall summon somebody that can be bothered, if I myself can be bothered to, that is.'

The Goose frowned. Typical Ozite. 'I just want to know if the boss is back.'

The Glass Cat yawned. 'Who can say? Not I, anyway.'

Before the Goose could lose his temper, another voice piped up. 'He's still out with Little Bear, Sir.'

It was the Little Match Girl, resplendent in the scarlet blazer of the reception and front of house staff. At last a conscientious employee to get information from. 'Can I help you with anything else Sir?' the girl asked, brightly, smiling down at him from over the counter top.

'I just wanted to confirm that the err ... trollish ...gentleman that left with him never came back.'

'No Sir, he did not,' responded the Little Match Girl helpfully. 'And may I say, I heard about the incident in the Skylight Room earlier. Proper shocked us concierges were, to hear of such a thing. Weren't we Bungle?'

The Glass Cat stretched out languorously. 'For my part, I was almost entertained by the story. Things are too dull by half around here, but I did laugh to hear of you chased across the dance floor.'

The Little Match Girl was shocked. To say such things, and to management too!! The cat ought to count himself fortunate he was more of a hanger on, than an official staffer, for surely the Goose would sack him otherwise.'

But the Golden Goose did nothing. He was only too glad to hear that the troll hadn't come back, for he was still traumatised. Instead he headed towards the Rainbow Room for a quick, fortifying drink before his swim.

'Of course,' said the cat, as he stared at his gleaming claws, 'I did actually count two trolls ... the one that left and the other who ruffled some feathers earlier. That one,' he said pointedly. 'Is still lurking here or thereabouts.'

'Oh dear!' exclaimed the girl. 'We should tell Mr Goose ... Oh, but I cannot leave my post!'

'No problem,' said the Cat and jumped to the floor, padding off after the goose.


The Golden Goose caught Gretel just as she was going off shift. 'What'll it be Mr Goose?'

The Goose plopped himself onto a bar stool. 'Bushmills. Neat. ... Make it a double.'

The Cat perched itself nearby and watched, until the Goose had drank three single malts and then as the golden bird thanked Gretel, politely asked after her brother, and then unsteadily flopped to the ground, the cat sank into the shadows and followed him downstairs to the Olympic size swimming pool.


Styrr was feeling completely relaxed. He still couldn't find any fishes, but he had sunk into the warm water, submerged to the top of his nose and enjoying the feeling. From the far end of the deserted pool, he became vaguely aware of the swish of a door opening at the other end.


The Golden Goose was laying his towel down on a recliner when an ominous chill came over him. He suddenly felt that he was being watched ... that eyes were on him from all directions.


In the shadows by the door, some several hundred yards from the goose, lay the Glass Cat. He watched the goose lay down his towel - then the cat's keen eyes detected a slight movement at the other end of the pool. Bungle, the Glass Cat of Oz smiled cruelly, as he watched the Golden Goose lower himself carefully into the water.

For a few minutes, the Goose was relaxed and blissfully happy as he glided further and further along.

Soon the Glass Cat was straining to see, as the Goose neared the far end of the pool and ...'


'APPLE!!!!' screamed Styrr as he burst up from under the water.

The Glass Cat smiled maliciously as the shrieks started. Tonight HAD turned out rather entertaining after all!!

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