Time Difference

36 2 34

7.17pm Narnian hinterlands. The hunting lodge/compound that currently houses Professor Andrew Ketterley.

Goldie Lochs put one long pink fingernail to her mouth and giggled coquettishly. 'Oh Andy, you're so funny.'

'Uncle' Andrew smiled, glad that his joke about the boggle, the black dwarf and the White Queen had gone down well. He held out the bottle of Archenland Blanc. 'More wine my dear?'

'I never say no,' Goldie replied suggestively, pushing her glass forward.


3.17pm Elephantland time. The palace rooftop, Celesteville.

Bruin jumped down from the MCI corporate helicopter that had taken them from the airport to the palace. He briefly looked behind him to check on Ariel and frowned as he saw Leo and Gemini disembark.

Despite the heat, they still looked cool as ice in their dark suits with white shirt and black tie. He envied them their shades, having left his behind at the Iguana.

Fanning himself with his white panama hat, Bruin noted that due to Leo's haste in ordering the pilot to land, the chopper was parked askew in a most peculiar looking position.

They had been met by Prince Pom, the eldest son of King Babar, and Cornelius, the Prime Minister.

'Chief Bruin?' the prince stuck out his paw. 'I am sorry my father couldn't be here to greet you, but I'm afraid events have progressed since we were notified you were on your way.'

'I'm sorry to hear that your highness. Is it true that troops have crossed the border?'

'I'm afraid so. The Ozites began shelling soon after diplomatic relations broke down. They're accusing US of warmongering! Can you believe it? They claim that whoever was behind the terrorist attack on our fair city was not sanctioned by Oz, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Their claims might have had more credibility if we hadn't seen an incursion from Rhinoland. The bastards have occupied one of our northern towns and we have drone footage of so called 'military advisers' from Oz among their ranks!'

Cornelius coughed. 'Highness, perhaps its not quite diplomatic to be sharing these facts with our guests, who have just arrived and must surely be in need of refreshments.'

Pom snorted. 'Nonsense Prime Minister. Chief Bruin and his party are accredited representatives of the Domain, authorized by The Tortoise himself AND they're here to find those damn traitors who set us up so that fucking Oz and Rhinoland had their pretext for war. Please excuse me gentlemen ... lady, I shouldn't swear, but this situation is untenable and the heatwave doesn't help.'

Bruin, whose fur was matting with sweat, nodded. 'I share your grief and anger Prince Pom. My colleagues and I have tracked The Hare and his associates to your city; we had hoped to still find him here.'

Pom's trunk lifted in anger. 'They fled westwards like damn rats, after abusing my father's hospitality. We wouldn't have been any the wiser if Mr Cancer hadn't have contacted our embassy to request they be detained. It all fits together now!'

Leo stepped forward. 'Your highness, please excuse my disregard for convention and protocol but it's imperative that we waste no time. We must question the witnesses and pick up the insurgents' trail without delay.'

The prince nodded agreement. 'ELI agents have been talking to their associate Mr Toad. We believe he's an innocent patsy in all this, but you might find what he has to say, quite interesting. Follow us gentlemen and we'll take you to him.'

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