Part Two: Groovy

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For a moment Future Hare wished he had thought to tie back his long white grey hair, which was currently whipping in front of his face and impeding his vision - or rather impeding his one good eye, the one that wasn't covered with a black leather eye patch - then, thinking of his hair again, Future Hare rescinded his wish of moments ago. 'Nah I don't. I look damn cool,' he thought instead.

Then the demon was on him!

'YIPEE KI YAY MOTHERFU...' he started to yell as he swung the chainsaw.

But the demon had completely solidified and dived under the blade, causing FH to topple backwards.

He hit the ground hard and the chainsaw was knocked out of his hands.

The demon bellowed, laughing and taunting as it slashed at Future Hare with its claws.

Suddenly a tawny head crashed into the demon's side, causing it to stumble a few feet away. 'WHO DARESSSSSSS!'

Its head, bulbous demonic eyes glaring, twisted around at an impossible angle to behold ...


The small deer merely grinned. 'You can't touch me while I'm wearing the amulet but you're especially vulnerable in its presence. Hare, blow this piece of shit away!'

Future Hare needed no more urging. He was already sitting up and reaching for the shotgun he had strapped in a leather holster to his back.

'Recognize this, candy bar?' Future Hare locked and loaded.


'Well admittedly it's not the same one but it's a sawn off, just like Ash's!' He fired as he spoke his friend's name, blasting the demon backwards.

Then Future Hare was on his feet, firing over and over again, slapping and snapping the barrel, reloading with uncanny speed and accuracy as he walked forward, firing.

The demon had possessed a humanoid and was vulnerable - its chest exploded, red blood at first but then turning to a deep black ooze.

Bambi was looking around himself, searching for ... aha ... the small roe deer bounded over and clamped his teeth around the leather strap. 'Amulet, give me strength,' he muttered and pulled.

Future Hare heard the shout and turned in time to see Bambi swinging the chainsaw in an arc by the strap. 'HARE! CATCH!'

The chainsaw flew through the air and FH holstered his shotgun which had now run out of ammunition.

The chainsaw came down and Future Hare stuck out his right hand at just the right angle - the opening slammed onto his fist and he steadied the weapon, using his left hand to restart it.


Future Hare brought the chainsaw down on the demon's head, splitting it in two - laughing with joy and some small bit of madness, Future Hare bore down on the demon, as black ooze splattered all over him.

It was dead and finally Future Hare collapsed, his strength spent. 'I got im ... I got im for ya Ash,' he murmured.

Bambi's head nudged his shoulder. 'You did it Hare. He's gone ... for now, but do you hear that?'

They both looked up - in the distance there was the sound of gunfire and explosions.

Future Hare stood up, not without some pain. 'We're being followed and it sounds like whoever it is is cutting their way through the Ents.'

'Uh huh, we need to leave. The other Hare said he knows where the Goose's weapons cache is - everyone should be tooled up by now. I told Cottontail to go out back and head due north. We have to follow them ... to the cabin first. I'll activate the full defenses and then we slip out the back. We should be clear until we hit the Evil Queen's dominion. After the fall she retook the middle part of the forest but I know a way we can avoid ...'

'Enough talk!' Future Hare stood up straight and slung the chainsaw over his back. 'Let's move.'

Bambi nodded. 'Sure buddy, sure.'

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