“Yes I did because we all know that Harry wouldn’t have left you alone once he seen you. I knew that you would walk out once you seen him sitting here and Niall and I both knew that Harry would chase after you and not stop until you forgave him. We all can read you both like books.” Victoria says.

What are they like fortune tellers now or something? I’m not predictable. Of course I wouldn’t have followed Mia around until she forgave me…well maybe I would. You can’t blame a man for trying.

“So all this was you doing?” Mia questions Max.

“Yes.” He nods.

“There was no party going to happen. It was all a set up?” She asks. I have to admit that I’m actually amused by all of this.

“No party.” Max laughs.

“You’re good…very good.” I point at Max. I’m glad I put the pressure on him to come up with something in one day now. I don’t think I could have done anything better myself. I would have never have thought to tell Niall to arrange a party for Victoria to invite Mia for me to get back with her.

“So it did work right?” Victoria grins.

Mia looks at me and we both smile and then laugh.

“Yes it did work.” Mia agrees.

“So you’re back together then?” Victoria smirks. Okay now I feel like a toddler with his first girl in primary school.

“Yes we are.” Mia blushes. Man she looks so cute when she blushes. If nobody was in the room I would kiss her right now. Well it doesn’t really bother me that people are in the room because I don’t really give a shit about what people think but I know that Mia does. I have to respect her wishes sometimes.

To make everything up to her I might take her away to a hotel again. I know that she really liked that and I was pretty proud of myself for picking a smart place to go. I will just tell her once I have booked it because she will only start to fuss about it.

“Oh my god Mia, I have to show you this new dress I brought the other day.” Victoria beams.

Why is it every girl has to talk about what they brought? There is really no need for it.

“Yeah I would love to see it.” Mia chimes.

“Come upstairs.” Victoria stands.

Great so not only are they talking about shopping but Victoria is taking my girlfriend off upstairs and we have just got back together. I want to spend time with her.

Mia and Victoria make their way upstairs which leaves Max and I alone.

The inly sound in the room is the tv. I don’t have a fucking clue what is on tele but whatever it is it is shit!

Looking over to me,, Max stares with a smirk on his face.

“What wrong with you.” I wonder. Why is he staring at me like I’m something he has never saw before?

“Don’t I get a thank you?” The smirk is growing bigger.

“For what?” I don’t do thanking people.

“Well it is not like I got you and Mia back together is it. I didn’t help at all.” Max sarcastically marks.

I suppose he does have a point but like I said before I don’t do thanking people.

“Thank you.” I quietly mumble not really wanting to make a big fuss.

“What was that? I didn’t quite hear you.” Max smirks. I can tell that Max is finding this highly amusing.

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