You're still the one •2•

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"Thank you." I said taking the glass from the bartender.

"How have you been?" Shawn asked from the stool beside me.

I took a sip of the martini before answering, "I've been good. I have been really busy since the movie came out though." I said looking into the brown eyes I fell in love with. "What about you?" I asked looking away down at the olive in my drink.

"Good, the new album is getting more love than I could of even imagined which is overwhelming but amazing." He said smiling a proud smile.

"I listened to the album," I said and his eyes lit up, "it's really good Shawn. It might actually be my favorite." I said honestly.

"Wow, I thought you would never get over Illuminate." He said making me laugh a little.

"I guess mutual made me love the album even more." I said with a smile still on my face.

He was quiet for few seconds. His eyes studying me making me nervous. "Come with me."

"What?" I asked looking up at him confused.

"Just trust me and come with me." He said sitting his drink down on the bar and getting up.

"Um," I pushed my brows together and did the same, "okay." I said standing up.

We made our way through the crowds of people socializing.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we entered the elevator.

"You'll see," he said with a cheesy grin.

"Shawn we can't just leave the party." I said shaking my head as I looked up at the numbers descending.

"It'll be fine, we've made our appearance." He said just as the doors opened revealing the lobby of the nice hotel.

His black Jeep was parked along the curb.

"You still have this?" I asked surprised as I crossed the seatbelt across my chest.

"Yeah, we've been through it all." He said as he started turned the key in the ignition.

I knew that he was most likely referring to the Jeep, but a part of me thought he meant it towards us. I shook my head to clear my thought. I was thinking way too much into it.

"Now that you have kidnapped me, will you tell me where we are going?" I asked looking over at him. The lights from the buildings around us and street lights lit up Shawn's face. It defined his facial features making it easy to see him. He had gotten even more attractive then when we were together. His hair had gotten a little longer, he was more muscular, he was a man now.

His lips curved into a smile as his deep laugh escaped, "it's a surprise."

Everything around us started to look familiar. I still didn't know where he was taking me, but I did recognize where we were. Shawn turned on a dirt road, the only light was his headlight.

"Shawn I swear to god if you're planning to murder me-," he cut me off with a laugh.

"I can't believe you don't know where we are." He said making me confused.

His headlights shined on a sign that caused me to know exactly where we were.

"It's the lake where we used to come every Friday during summer." I said remembering.

"Yep." Shawn said stopping the car and turning off the headlights.

We both opened the door and hopped out. The crickets chirping was all that was heard, everything else was quiet and dark.

Shawn began unbuttoning his olive green shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked walking closer to him.

"Going for a swim," he said before pulling off his dress pants, "duh." He said before running out to the dock and jumping into the water making a big splash.

He came back up his once perfectly styled hair now covering his forehead. He took his large hands and pushed it back.

"Come on," he said smiling and motioning for me to jump in with his head.

"No," I said shaking my head and laughing.

"Don't make me have to get you." He said raising an eyebrow.

I sighed and looked at the dark water. I knew I didn't really have choice. I know Shawn would throw me in, so I rather just jump in.

I managed to slip out of the dress easily. I tried not to think about being almost nude in front of Shawn. I mean if we're being honest he's seen more, but it's been a while. I mean I was taken aback when I saw his defined abs when he took his shirt off.

Shawn cheered as my feet left the dock. The cold water hit my body taking my breath away. I came up gasping for air. I pushed my hair out of face and looked for Shawn. I started to panic a little when I didn't see him.

"Shaw-," I stopped myself when I felt something wrap around my legs. I screamed as he threw me back under water. I came up to hear his deep laughter.

"Screw you." I said laughing as I wiped the water out of my eyes.

"That was priceless." He said regaining himself. I rolled my eyes and splashed water at him.

"I've missed this." Shawn said after a small silence.

"Me too." I said smiling a soft smile at him.

"First one to the dock wins." Shawn said before swimming as fast as he could to the dock.

I gasped and tried to beat him back. I was out of breath by the time I got up on the dock.

"I won," Shawn said smiling a cheesy grin.

"Yeah, only because you got a head start." I said as I twisted my hair to get all of the water out of it.

"Sure." He said sarcastically as he smiled.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes with my lips curved.

"You really had Ryan Reynolds walk into your dressing room?" Shawna asked with a shocked facial expression.

"Yeah," I said laughing lightly at the memory, "he apologized countless times."

"Wow." Shawn said lifting the bottle of wine to his lips. He for some odd reason had a half empty bottle of wine in the back of his Jeep.

"Yeah," I said taking the bottle from his hand once he was done.

Shawn and I laid back on the cool grass and looked up at the twinkling stars in the dark night sky. A comfortable silence fell over us. It was nice to be this close to Shawn again. So much for avoiding him.

"What happened to us?" Shawn said making my heart race. I looked over at him confused. His eyes were focused on the stars. His brows pushed together and his lips slightly parted.

"Shawn you were the one that ended things between us." I said looking away from him.

"I know," he sighed and shook his head, "I don't know I just thought you were the one. You know?" I was about to say something but he continued, "The one that I marry and grow old with. I would stop writing heartbroken songs and write love songs. I thought you were the one that be the mother of our kids."

I swallowed hard and tried to hold back my tears. "I guess that's not how things planned out." I said sitting up and wiping my eyes.

"Y/n," he sat up and turned his head to look into my eyes, "you're still the one." He raised his hand and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek. His face inched closer to mine making my heart pound. His lips met mine causing the feeling that only he made me feel to erupt. His warm plump lips moved in sync with mine.

"I love you so much." He said breathlessly as he rested his forehead against mine.

"I love you too."

Heyyy!! What a bad ending hahahahaa

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