summer nights

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first chapter of Halo is up, go check it out if you'd like. 

"it's so fuc," i raised my eyebrows at my friend shawn causing him to watch his language, "freaking hot." he finished. he plopped down beside me and threw his head back. a over dramatic sigh left his mouth making me laugh. 

i sat my phone down and said, "then let's go swimming." his eyes lit up when he heard me. 

we  changed into out bathing suits and raced out to the cool chlorine filled  water. we both jumped in at the same time making a gigantic splash. as soon as the water hit me i started to cool off. i came up for air with a smile on my face. 

"good idea y/n." shawn said shaking his wet hair when he came up. i went under the water and swam closer to the deep end. i was about to use the latter to get out when my body was pulled back in. 

"shawn," i whined. i felt his chest rumble with laughter. i looked up at him with a bright smile. his strong arms held me bridal style as he carried me throughout the pool. i was about to say something when shawn dropped me back into the water. 

"fuc-," he raised his eyebrows like i did at him earlier, "fudge you." i said coughing due to the water i swallowed. he laughed and dove back under water. 

crickets chirping and the crackling fire was the only thing that could be heard. shawn and i decided to relax by a fire after hours of swimming. the sky was lit up with bright stars and a full moon. 

"here's a towel," shawn said handing me a towel. i wrapped it around my shoulders and help it close to my body. 

"today was fun." shawn said cracking open a cold soda. 

"yeah, it was." i said softly. i had been thinking about shawn and i. the way i felt for him was more than just wanting to be friends. every time i saw him my heart would beat fast, and i would immediately get happier. i knew he didn't think of me in anything more than a friend, but i really liked him. 

"you okay?" he asked looking at me concerned.

"yeah." i said smiling a toothless smile. 

"are you just going to stand there and look at the stars?" shawn asked making me laugh lightly. i walked over to him and sat down on the lay out chair. 

"look," i said pointing  up to the dark sky, "you can see the little dipper." i said. shawn's eyes focused on me as i looked up. 

"why are you looking at me like that?" i asked before getting a sip of his drink. 

"you're just so," he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "so fucking beautiful." 

this time i didn't warn him about his language. i smiled rapidly and looked into his chocolate colored eyes. as shawn's faced inched closer to mine my heart was doing flips. i couldn't believe it. his lips met mine causing me to close my eyes and kiss him. he placed his hands on my hips as he kissed me softly. 

"i've waited way too damn long to do that." shawn said breathlessly with a smirk. 

"and i've waited way too damn long for you to do it." i said making his lips curve upwards. that summer night, was just the beginning of something amazing and wonderful. 

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