chocolate strawberries & bubble baths

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you guys are freaking amazing! thank you for being so supportive. i just noticed that almost all of my books are ranked for something. i never thought that this would happen to me :)

the warm summer heat of los angles hit me as i walked out to my car. i was finally going home after a long and tiring day of work. i wanted nothing more than to go home and spend time with my loving husband, shawn. i started my car to get the cool air conditioning flowing through the hot car while i called shawn. 

"hey honey," he said as soon as he answered. 

"hey babe, i'm on my way home." my voice was soft and raspy since i was exhausted. 

"well i'll be waiting for you. are you okay?" he asked sounding concerned. 

i admired the sparkly stone on my left ring finger as i spoke, "i will be when i get home. i had a stressful day." i told him. 

"aw babe," he paused for a minute before continuing, "when you get home we can watch the bachelor and just relax, if you want to." he said making me smile widely. 

"of course i want to, i'll be home soon. i love you." i said putting my car in reverse. 

"i love you too." we both hung up and i put my phone in the passenger seat. i turned up the radio and made my way home. luckily the traffic wasn't terrible so i got home in 20 minutes. i pulled into the driveway and parked next to shawn's black jeep. i grabbed my purse and keys before getting out. i opened the door to see red rose petals from the front door in a path that went up the stairs. i smiled to myself and took off my heels before following the trail of petals. 

the flowers stopped at the bathroom door in the room shawn and i shared. i opened the door to see shawn in nothing but his black calvin klein  underwear. a metal bucket full of ice, champagne, and chocolate covered strawberries sat beside the tub that was filled with bubbles. 

"since you had such a bad day i thought this might help you relax." shawn said walking closer to me so he could kiss me. i kissed him passionately. i couldn't believe he did this. it was amazing. 

once we finished taking a bath and eating strawberries we laid down in bed while we watched grey's anatomy. the feeling of shawn holding me in his arms made me feel safe and loved. there was no where else i'd rather be. 


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