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the warm fire cracked and popped in front of me. i watched as the memories turned to ash in front of me. the photos, gifts, sweatshirts, letters, everything he gave me kept me warm in the cool night air.

"I'll never leave you,"

"I love you so much,"

"She's just a friend babe,"

"I'm just going out with the guys for a few hours,"

The lies ran around my head as I stared at the fire with no emotion on my face.
I took my hair out of the pony tail it was in before crossing my arms over my chest. I took one last puff off of the cigarette that was between my fingers before tossing that into the fire also. I turned away from the flames and started walking back to my house.

The anger that had been burning in my chest faded away. It was like I had gotten rid of everything that reminded me of him, and I felt relieved. It was like he was officially gone. Of course he would still enter my mind at times, but I wouldn't get that warm fuzzy feeling at the mention of his name.

I was over him.

WHAT IS THIS?? I have no idea where this came from tbh 😂😂 

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