Brother's best friend •3•

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So like I kinda forgot I had a lot of "mini series," (that's what I call them 😂) that I need to finish and this is one of them so enjoy ;)

The feeling of brad's lips on mine weren't what I was craving. The kiss was horrible. It was pushy and overpowering. His hands trailed up my body to the bottom of my shirt. He tugged on it signaling for me to take it off.

I broke away from the kiss and said, "no brad."

He sighed, "i should of known you would be like this."

"I should of known you were just trying to sleep with me. I'm sorry I'm not like all the other girls you take advantage of." I said angrily. I grabbed my purse and stormed out of his house.

I pulled my phone out of my purse to call Andrew.

"What do you want?" He asked. It sounded rude, but I'm used to it by now.

"I need a ride." I said looking at my surroundings. I realized that I wasn't in the best neighborhood. I started to feel a little uneasy.

"What? I thought you were with brad." Andrew said sounding confused.

"Yeah, well things happened." I said rolling my eyes.

"Where are you?" Andrew asked.

"ridge street." I said looking up at a street sign.

"Shawn and I will be there soon." Andrew said before hanging up. I sighed and sat down on the concrete sidewalk.

Shawn- what happened between you and brad?

I read shawns text and ignored it. I didn't really want to talk about it right now, especially with Shawn.

Shawn- I know you saw this

Shawn- I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell me

Shawn- I'm having a great convo with myself

Shawn- how was your day

Shawn- oh it was great, how was yours

Shawn- man 👏let 👏me 👏tell 👏you!!!

Me- okay okay fine I'll tell you

Me- brad just wanted to use me.
                                                Read 9:37

Shawn's pov:
"Oh I'm gonna kick brad's ass," i said through gritted teeth.

"What?" Andrew glancing at me before looking back at the road.

"He wanted to sleep with your sister." The thought made my skin crawl. I didn't want him anywhere near her.

We turned into a neighborhood that was very trashy. The headlights shined on y/n sitting on the sidewalk. She stood up and walked towards the car.

Brad is going to pay for this Monday.

Shawn Mendes Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt