soccer & sunsets

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roses are red

bees go buzz buzz

road work ahead

uh, yeah i sure hope it does

the salty ocean waves crashed onto the shore turning the sand a darker brown. seagulls chirped as they searched for food. the sun was setting which turned the sky a light pink that mixed together with the baby blue. it was so peaceful and calm.

i always came to the beach to clear my head or to relive stress. i closed my eyes and leaned my head back. the sound of the waves rolling in filled my ears and made me feel as if the world had stopped turning and everything was okay.

that was until something hard crashed into my body. i opened my eyes to see a soccer ball rolling down my towel.

"i am so sorry," i looked up to see a very tall guy about my age with curly brown hair and warm brown eyes, "my friend kicked it a little too hard." he said his lips curving into a small smile as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. he had a very interesting and beautiful tattoo inked on his hand.

"it's okay," i said laughing nervously, "here." i grabbed the ball and handed it to him."

"thank you," he said taking it from me. "I'm Shawn by the way." He said holding the ball close to his bare chest.

"Y/n," I said giving him a small smile.

"Uh," Shawn looked back at the group of guys behind us. Two of them were wrestling while the others were cheering them on, "are you any good at soccer?"

i raised my eyebrows and looked up at him, "sort of."

"would you like to play? we kind of need a strong player." he said laughing a lightly.

"uh," what was I getting myself into, "sure."

After a few times of Shawn and I leading our team to tie with the other it was up to me to score the final point. "You got this." Shawn said to me so only I could hear. I smiled and focused.

I twisted and turned trying to avoid the buff men before I could kick a straight shot. Once I finally got to the angle I could kick a guy that I learned was named Brian got in my way. I pushed past him and quickly kicked the ball.

Cheers erupted from behind me as Shawn and the other guys celebrated the win.

"Damn girl you're good." A boy named Ian said patting me on the back.

"Thanks." I said laughing a little as I walked over to Shawn.

"Thank you, now I don't owe Andrew 20 dollars." He said running his fingers through his hair.

I laughed and just as I was about to respond Ian asked Shawn, "hey man, are you coming?"

"Uh," Shawn looked away from Ian and down to my eyes, "I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Wait so you really think pancakes are better than waffles?" Shawn asked me with a shocked expression.

"Yep," I shrugged and looked down at my feet as they walked along the mushy wet sand.

"Well then since you said that I'm going to say that cookie dough ice cream is better than cookies and cream." i gasped and looked up at him. he started to laugh, a real one. not just a short breathy laugh. it was contagious and made me smile.

"So do you live around here?" I asked him looking over at him as I waited for his response.

"No," he sighed before continuing, "just here for a break while I'm on tour." he said. i knew who he was now. i had heard about him countless times, how did I never connect the dots.

"I would love to do what you do, touring the world. Different city every night, new faces, more delicious food. It sounds like a dream." i said before letting my gaze on the last bit of the sun before it was replaced by the moon and stars.

"so you know who i am?" He asked sounding a little confused.

"yeah," I said laughing a little.

"How come you didn't like freak out and immediately ask for a photo?" He asked sounding a little cocky, but I knew he wasn't trying to come off that way.

"Because I'm not like that," I shrugged, "plus I'm not that big of a fan." I said jokingly. His face fell for a second causing me to feel awful.

"I'm kidding," I said pushing his muscular shoulder gently, "the new album is amazing, my personal favorites are probably perfectly wrong and mutual." i said causing him to cheer up more.

"Thank you." He said.

"I mean all of your songs are great, I was just poin-," he cut me off.

"No, I'm not talking about the songs, well thank you for that too, but," he stopped causing me to also, "thank you for not going total crazy fan girl on me."

I laughed, "you're welcome, now come on, let me show you the best place to get cookies and cream ice cream. It's going to make you change your mind about that cookie dough." I said making him smile before walking by my side.

Guess who's still really sick :(

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