Chapter 66

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Charles P. O. V

   Pamela decided to follow me to see Avery after much persuasion.  I was in my room, since I am a graduate and am done with my clearance am a free man with a heavy heart.

     I heard a knock on my door, I ignored and the person kept interrupting me so I decided to check who the hell that was. When I opened the door, I saw it was my Aunts and Mil. I had the intention of banging the door but since they are much older than me, I decided to hide my anger, if it was Mil or their sons I would have banged the door and lock the door.

     "Good afternoon", I greeted and went back to sit down on my couch. They entered and closed my door. They sat down and looked at me.

   " Do you want to drink anything? I didn't cook anything cause I never knew I would have visitors ",I asked.

  "Let Mil prepare something then", Aunt Bella said

   " I will prepare it instead so don't bother yourself ",I said as I stood up.

   " Let Mil help you then ",Aunt Bella said.

    " No, let her not bother ",I said.

  " Please let me assist you",she said.

    "If he doesn't want her to assist him let him be. What do you want Charles?", Aunt Kira asked.

      " Let her cook the food instead, I have a movie to complete anyways",I said as I sat down. Mil looked at me for a while before going into the kitchen.

"This food is delicious", Aunt Bella said and I just looked at her.

    " Why ain't you eating?",Aunt Bella asked.

   "I am not hungry", I said as I balanced on the couch not wanting to make eye contact with them on the dinning room.

     " Or is it because I was the one who cooked it?",Mil said and I ignored her.

   "Isn't obvious",Aunt Kira said.

      " I love you Aunt Kira ",I said my eyes still glued to the TV.

       " I have lost my appetite",Mil said and she stood up from the dinning chair and sat close to me.

    "Didn't you see any other place to sit down?", I asked her not looking at her.

  " I sit where I want to",she said.

   "Okay then", I said. I stood up and laid on the sofa, making sure there isn't any space for her to squeeze herself in.

     " Cut her some slack, Charles", Aunt Kira said as she pushed my legs and sat beside me.

    "I didn't anything Aunt,I just want to show her what it means to be rejected.", I said.

    " Why are you treating her this way?",Aunt Bella asked.

     "How am I treating her? I just decided to sit somewhere else", I said.

    " Before you were the one begging to sit close to her",Aunt Bella said.

    "That was then, that was when I thought she will change", I said.

   " Did you guys break up?",Aunt Kira asked.

   "No, w-"

   "Yes", I cut Mil short.

    " Why?",Aunt Kira asked.

     "Because she hurt my sister, she turned her back against her", I said getting irritated already.

     " But its in the past ",Aunt Bella said.

     " In the past? She arranged for my sister to be raped not just by one guy but by four guys. Your sons raped my sister and uploaded the video online humiliating her. Does she think I will forgive her, her brother and her ex love that easy? Well I am sorry to disrespect you but if you guys bring up anything concerning Mil I will walk out of here",I said.

   "Ex lover?", Aunt Kira asked.

     " Ye-(when I looked at her she murmured "please don't" and I quickly looked away. Drop it Aunt ",I said.

    "That's not why we are here, at least am not here for that. When are we seeing Amanda?", Aunt Kira asked.

    " we?",I asked.

   "Yes we", she said.

    " There is no we, I will go and see her alone, I don't you guys to make things worse",I said.

   "How?", Aunt Bella asked.

    " You guys got her dad arrested. You guys know that she loves him so much, she doesn't mess with him,he is her world and her everything ",I said.

   " You would have been her life and everything if not for him",Aunt Kira said. Okay,I love Aunt Kira a lot but she is really pissing me off right now.

      "Its not because of him but of them(pointing to Mil). I begged them to look after her for me before I left, I begged Mil to take her as her sister, I begged Joel and co to protect her and never allow anyone cast an evil eye on her but I never knew they were the evil eye. Aunt please if you want to visit her no problem but don't go without bailing her dad if not she will not agree to see you",I said.

    The front door opened and Pamela entered.

   " Good evening ",she greeted my aunts.

    " Good evening dear. How are you? ",Aunt Kira asked.

    " Fine ma(she looked at me). Are you ready?",Pamela asked me.

   "Yes", I said as I stood up.

  " Where are you guys going? ",Aunt Bella asked us.

   " We are going on a date, he has been promising me since he came back",she smiled and I looked at Mil and I saw smoke coming out from her ear.

     "Pamela, I thought you were out of the country", Mil said.

   " Well, I was but then I came back when I objective was achieved. And perhaps Charles wanted me to come back sooner",Pamela said. Classic Pamela. She want Mil to get jealous and its working perfectly well.

     "Charles let's go. Remember our reservation, let's go already", Pamela said.

    " Bye Aunt. I will see you around",she said and left the house.

    "Bye Aunt, I forgot to tell you, I and Pamela are going out", I said.

   " And who is she supposed to be to you?",Mil asked.

     "My sisters best friend. Who knows she might be my future girlfriend.(I looked at Aunt Kira) Lock the door and keep it in our spot", I said and left the house.

"  Mil would have killed you if eyes could kill", I said.

   "Oooohhh, I haven't started", she smirked.

    "So that's why you lied", I smiled starting the car.

   " I didn't technically lie. We are actually going out and we made a reservation to see your sister, they just misunderstood. You will  get my car for me tomorrow ",she said as she dropped her car key.

    " I will ",I said and my hands began to shake. She noticed my nervousness because she placed her hands on mine and she smiled make me feel better.

     " Leave the talking to me. We will make her understand together ",Pamela said and I nodded, then I drove off.



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