Chapter 9

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  Charles won't stop making a big deal out of the fact that I am going on a date with Avery and yea Joel seems pretty jealous but who cares.

  "You have to look good. She's not like every other girl you have laid with,she's different", Charles said.

  " His right. Don't take her straight to the bed like you always do,its too early", Joel angrily said as he laid on my bed facing the ceiling.

  "You guys are overreacting, I don't like her,its just for fun I think. And she's not that special", I said trying to make my point clear.

  " You think? Don't hurt her. If you as much as hurt her. I will murder you",Charles said with a serious face.

   "Why are you guys going all defensive? Its just a freaking stupid date,nothing special. I can't like someone like her,she ain't my type,so you guys can chill and not get your hopes high", I said trying to conceal my anger.

   " Whatever.",Joel said as he began to play with a ball as he laid down. If Seb chases him with that ball he is dead.

   "What's freaking you, Jo? Haven't you seen girls cuter than she is? She's nothing special", I said as I faced Joel.

    " I just don't want her to get hurt. Its not about the beauty,there is something different about her. She's so special ",he said as he sat up.

  "Bro, don't tell me you are already falling for her?", Charles asked as he sat on the couch.

"Maybe", Joel said afraid to look us in the eye.

" So fast,it's unlike you bro. But I hope its for real this time. ",Charles said and I continued to dress.

"It is. I will try to win her heart but I hope she feels the same way", Joel said this time he looks at Charles.

" Do you know she has a massive crush on Seb?",I asked Joel and he looked surprised.

"Seb?", he asked no one in particular.

" Seb doesn't like her. He avoids her like she is some kind of disease,she deserves better.",Joel angrily said.

"He has his reason", I said looking at Charles.

" Why you looking at me?",Charles asked.

"Because he thinks Avery is corrupting his younger sister.", I said as I began to spray perfume on myself.

" How is it my fault then? And she doesn't look like a bad girl to me". Here he goes again defending her.

"Why do you go on defense mood,when it goes to Evie?" I asked as I dropped my perfume inside my drawer and rested my back against the wall.

"Evie?", they both asked.

  "I mean Avery. Just answer me",

"Okay,I don't know. I feel I have a very strong connection with her. Its an involuntary action, I can't help it. There is something about her that I can't seem to place my fingers on. "He looked confused.

" Hope you don't want to betray Mil?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Never. Mil is different, maybe its because they are best friends, I hope. Anyways since you are ready,get out and don't keep your gorgeous date waiting", Charles said.

" I look good,ryt?",I asked just to be sure

"Yeah bro", Charles said with a smile while Joel just looked at me

"Yeah bro", Charles said with a smile while Joel just looked at me

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