Chapter 64

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Charles P. O. V

    "Where the hell is Avery? Where is she?", I asked my supposed family but they were silent.

  " Are you guys deaf or has cat got your tongues?",I asked and they ignored me again.

    "Answer me, dammit ", I yelled as I flipped the table in front of us. I was angry and my patience was running out.

   " Where is she, Mil?",I asked now facing Mil as I stood up

   "Answer me or I will slap you", I said angrily.

   " Why do you care?",Mil asked me. Is she for real? She's asking me when she knows what I can do when I am mad, this mad.

      "Ask me again and I will slap you and your face will spin 360° nonstop ", I said and she kept quiet.

   Don't get me wrong, I have never raised me hands on her or any girl at all, I respect them, I see it as been childish.

   " What happened? ",I asked again.

   " I will tell you. Joel, Josh, Seb and Liam raped her, they upload the video on the internet making it look like a porn- video. Your Vice Chancellor saw it and they expelled her, people saw the video so she became a laughing stock, out of frustration she confronted Mil and co. They had some physical combat and out of self-defense Avery pushed Mia and she fell to the ground dying instantly. She went to prison, during the hearing, they denied everything, they twisted the story and fed it to the crazy judge who swallowed it and she was sent to prison for 9 years straight. She was broken you need to see her now and I heard that they convinced their mum to in prison her dad. You guys know that she doesn't mess with her dad, you guys know her dad is her life and she's ready to die and kill for him. Get ready cause one of you is dying next, congratulations you have awoken the sleeping lion.",Pamela explained and I lost it.

  I jacked Joel by the collar punching him seriously. I let him go and I grab a chair using it to hit Joel, Josh and Seb.

   "I told you guys to never hurt her, didn't I ?. I begged you guys to treat her like a queen that she is, I begged you guys to look after her like your lives depend on it and it does. I begged you guys to never hurt her or cause her pain but you blockheads did the opposite of what I asked you bastards to do. You guys raped her, you shattered her, you broke that sweet innocent girl. All she did was love you guys, all she did was care, all she did was trust you guys but you guys broke her trust and told her no one is too be trusted. ", I said to all of them.

I lifted Joel up from the ground and placed him against the nearby wall, I slammed him against the wall making him shout, he tried to struggle but we all know its of no use, they know that when I am mad I am uncontrollable.

  " I begged you to look after her didn't I? I told you she's like a sister to me,I told you she means the world to me, didn't I? I told you to apologise and make things right, didn't I? I told you to beg her for forgiveness, didn't I ? I told you to never cause her more pain, I begged you, didn't I?",I yelled. Everyone in the restaurant stood up and stared at us, some ran away out of fear.

    "She's in prison now, no one to look after her. You raped her, you bastards raped her(I let go of him and faced Josh) and you? She loved you, she went behind her boyfriends back and had an affair with you because she loved you, she didn't care if anyone was mad at her as far as you both are cool nothing matter more.(I faced Seb) She was crazy about you, she loved you for years, she endured your torture and humiliations, why? Its because of love, you never knew what love was and you will never know.(I looked at Mil and I got more angry) You were her best friend, she was ready to kill for you, she was ready to die for you, she never in her life saw you as a friend or a best friend but a sister, she trusted you but what did you give her in return? Pain, you took away her pride just because Josh took yours", I said and her eyes, Josh and Sebs eyes  widen.

   " What do you mean?",Seb asked.

   "She didn't tell you? Well let me tell you, I never took her priced possession, Josh did. She and Josh were an item before we ever were,before we met. When Seb betrayed her, she drank and got drunk, I agree something happened but its not what you all thought it was. She pinned it on me and I agreed because of love. That's the love we are talking about, that's the love Avery gave you guys, genuine love. After she knew everything she still loved you guys, love. I wanted to marry you withstanding your secretive behaviour, your lies and everything but Avery was right, you are too jealous for your own good. From today henceforth we are done, I don't want to have anything to do with you guys, I break all ties and relationship with every single one of you", I said angrily.

   " Please don't do this to me, I love you,Charles. Tamper justices with mercy, please, I really love you ",Mil begged

   " You should have thought about that before you back stabbed her ",I said angrily.

  " Why do you care about her so much?",Pamela asked referring to Avery.

   "Because she is Amanda.", I said.

   " Who is Amanda?",Pamela asked.

   " She's my sister, my little sister", I said and Pamela looked shocked.

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