Chapter 59

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Avery's P. O. V

    I looked at the faces of my friends, I looked at the lying face of my ex- friends. They lied about everything, they turned it all upside down, they made it look like I was at fault. Liars!!!. I agree that I hit Angel but she deserves it and more, I am her big sister for crying out loud, she doesn't respect me or regard me as her sister. I cried like a baby, each time I wiped off my tears, another falls. I can't believe my friends lied about everything, they manipulated everything. They have been planning this from the start. Then it hit me, I recalled Mils statement,"Because our next stunt will remain in their heart for ages".

      I can't believe that my ex- best friend set me up, I can't believe that my sister could betray me, I can't believe that Josh would at a point never defend and protect me, I can't believe Joel hurt me and now he is turning against me, I can't believe Seb could believe the nonsense that his sister vomited.....I can't blame him though she is his sister after all he acted out of ignorance. And Charles? Well, it kills me to know that he isn't here by my side, he isn't here to defend me, he isn't here to play the role of a brother like he promised.

   I wiped the tears that dropped from my eyes at the thought of been forgotten by my brother....he isn't my biological brother but still he acted like a brother, he acted like a brother I wished I had, he was there from day one, he never let me cry, he defended me when I thought I didn't need them, he loved me like a father but then........he vanished.
He hurt me just like everyone else but maybe even more. I don't think I will forgive him.

    I looked at my father and I saw tears rolling down his face. They made my dad look bad,they demolished and disfigured his moral upbringing, he would regret having me as a daughter, I brought nothing but shame and tears to him. All I ever wanted was to make my dad proud, was to make him happy, was to make sure he never has to work again, I wanted to give him all the comfort of life, I wanted to show him that I love him, that I will never let him down or bring shame to him but reverse is the case. I did the opposite of what I wanted to, of what I intended to. I made him to be ashamed of me,I made him unhappy, I made him go to hospital so as to pay the lawyer(he might be rich but lawyers are expensive at least good ones are), I brought discomfort to him, I made him cry and restless. I am the worst daughter in the world.

     I looked at Angel and the look on her face is unexplainable. I don't know if she is happy, guilt, hurt, sad, I just don't know. She looked at me and I think I saw guilt.....why will she feel guilty? I should be the one feeling guilty right?. She looked away and I think I saw a tear falling and she confirmed my suspicion by wiping the tears off.

       I looked beside my dad and saw Emma, I saw that bastard who thinks he could fool me, if not for the video he would have gotten me though. I remembered the truth or dare that started all this, the truth or dare that made us closer, I remembered the truth or dare that crushed my soul, maybe if he hadn't fucked up maybe I would have fallen head over heels for him. I closed my eyes and I thought of how the bottle was spinned and it landed on I and Kenneth.

   "Truth or dare?", he asked.

    " Dare",I tried to avoid been asked any crazy question.

     He smiled and said,"I dare you to date Emmanuel for six month and I mean you guys must make it believable ".

     I looked at him in shock," Please change the dare anyone but him",I begged.

   "No", he said.

   I looked at Emma and I saw him boiling with anger, he acted like I begged that crazy Ken guy to dare me to date him. I looked away and sighed," Fine",I said.

     I opened my eyes, trying not to think about such painful thought, I looked at him and tears rolled down my cheek again. I would have said no that day, I would have chosen Liam, I thought he was better but I was wrong.

      I looked at Mil and Angel and I saw them laugh, they have won but KARMA will catch up with them cause if she doesn't I will.

    I searched for Pamela but didn't see her, today might be the last time I might see her without it been in a room and she isn't here. She might be busy,that's what comforted me.

    I looked at Josh, I looked at the guy that promised to love me, he promised he will be by my side, he promised he won't leave me but here we are, he is testifying against me. He told them I instigated the relationship. Me instigated the relationship?. Me? Was he not the one who begged me, wasn't he the one who said he won't give up on me. I remembered when he came to my house to apologize......sorry to tell me to be his friend, I remembered our kiss the day we told everyone we were dating(Joel and I), I remembered our first date, I remembered my promise that he reminded me of constantly, I remembered the day Seb insulted me and he defended me, I remembered our kiss that day, I remembered the day we broke up, I remembered when I saw him and that girl kissing, I remembered when I finally kept my promise, I opened my eyes and found myself smiling. My heart began to beat fast, I like him? No, I cant. He hurt me, he raped me, he drugged me, he gave up on me, he made me cry, he never really apologized, he doesn't deserve my love.

    I looked at Mr and Mrs Johnson and I saw disgust and shame in their eyes. I closed my eyes and tears began to roll down my unsuspected bruise cheeks. My chest became so heavy, my chest hurt,I placed my right hand on my chest, the pain is too much to handle, I felt I will fall any moment from now cause the pain was too much. I feel stupid, I feel like a fool, I feel used, I feel betrayed, I feel forgotten.

    I opened my eyes and my vision became blurry, tears clouded my vision.

Where is Charles?
Where is Charles when Avery needs him?.
Did he find his sister?
Has he really forgotten Avery?

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