Chapter 28

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Avery's P. O. V

    Today is Angel's matriculation, her mom is present and so is Mils mom and Joshua's mom. I went to where they stood and greeted when my eyes meet Josh he smiles making me smile in the process, I know his parents and Mils will think I am crazy.

     "Hello Pearl", I heard behind me and the voice sounds like dad. I turned my back sluggishly and when I turned back I saw my dad standing in front of me looking more handsome and bigger. I jumped on his body hugging him so tight and he did the same. We hugged for what seems like hours but was only 10minutes.

   " I missed you so much ",I whispered in his ears as he dropped me on the ground.

    " I missed you more dear. You didn't even gist me about your new catch ",he smiled.

    " Catch? ",I asked.

   " Yes, your boyfriend Joel. I would like to see him",he said.

   "Mil told you", I said.

   " Yea and she told me about Charles too",he smiled.

  "Remind me to kill her when we get to our lodge", I said and we both laughed.

  " Ebuka?",I heard a voice behind my dad.

   "Mirabel?", he asked as he turned back. She ran to give him a hug but was pushed back slightly.

   " What are you doing here?",my dad asked her.

  " I am here for our daughters matriculation ",she smiled but my dad didn't.

Angel is my stepsister?

" Who is he?",Angel asked.

  "Your dad.", she said and I froze.

  " Who is she dad?",I asked my dad.

   "My wife.(he turned to Angel) She's my biological daughter?", he asked and my heart skipped.

Is he trying to say I am not his biological daughter.

    " Yes, she is",I heard Mirabel say and I felt strange, I felt heart broken that my dad could lie to me. I felt strange because I have a younger sister but I am not happy because we don't share the   same mum.

    I looked around and I saw eyes staring at me, I felt Mil, Mary, Charles, Seb, Angel, Dawn and Mia staring. I couldn't take it anymore, I ran as fast as I could, I ran to my lodge and shut the door behind me. I can't believe he lied to me, I can't believe he kept such a huge secret from me, I can't believe I have a sister, what other secret is he hiding from me, what?. I cried like there was no tomorrow, it hurt okay? It does. Who is my mom then? What other secret are they hiding from me, is he really my dad.

     When I shut the door behind me, I sat on the tiles,my back resting against the wall. I heard people calling my name? I heard my dad, Mil, Charles, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Richards voice, they kept yelling my name. Where is Joshua? Why am I not hearing his voice?.

     There was a knock on my window, I went to check who it was and I saw.....Joshua? I quickly opened the window and let him in. I hugged him the second his foot step inside my room. I hugged him so tight that I don't care if he lost balance and we both fall down. All I need now is a hug, a hug from him, from anyone except my dad.

     "What's wrong with you?", he said. I couldn't speak, I am scared if I speak the connection will be broken, all I need is a hug and its like he understood because he hugged me so tight and kissed me on my forehead.

    " It hurt, I swear it does",I sobbed.

     "Sssshhhhhh!!!! Don't say anything, atleast not now. We can talk about it later, okay??", he said and I nodded.

     He made me sit on the bed, he was about leaving before I said," Please can you stay with me. I don't want to see or speak to anyone else". He nodded and sat beside me. I rested my head on his chest and just like the first time we danced, I felt safe and comfortable that I didn't know when I fell as asleep.




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