Chapter 49

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Ebuka's P. O. V

     I have been in the hospital for two weeks and she has been in coma since then. I became scared. I am scared I might lose her like I lost Victor and Vidya. I can't bear losing another child. I can't bear losing Avery, I love her so much to not want to lose her.

      Charles came here to visit, he has been with her for the past one week and four days, he has really been helpful and that I appreciate. Mil and Angel hasn't come to visit, I am not surprised about Angel not visiting but I am surprised that Mil hasn't called of texted to ask about her best friend.

     Pamela has been here since the first day we arrived at the hospital. She cooks the food that I have refused to eat, she knows I won't eat yet she cooks. She has been telling me to hope for the best, she said Avery is a fighter that she will live, I hope she's right, I hope my Avery won't leave me alone in this cruel world.

     "Dad? Pam? Grandma? ", We heard Avery say.

     I, my mum and Pamela surrounded her. She is breathing fine but she sounds weak.

    " Yes Avery",Pamela answered.

    "Am I alive?", she asked.

    " Yes,my love",my mum answered.

    "I don't want to live, why am I alive? Please I just want to die", she shocked all of us. Tears began to roll down my cheek, I never thought this day would come, I never thought my daughter would want to kill herself and for a guy, I never thought she would forget I love her. It hurt to see my daughter this way,it hurt to hear her begging for death, I failed, I failed as a father.

     " Baby don't talk like this, everything will be fine, I promise"my mum spoke.

   You might be wondering why I am not talking, well what will I say? What can I do? It is bad enough she is in this condition and I can't do a thing about it. I want to talk but words ain't coming, all I get is tears, tears just keeps rolling down my cheeks.

    I stood up from where I sat beside her and rested my back against the wall.

  "Please I don't want to face this cruel world, I want to die, I don't want to live", is all she's saying.

   What really happened? Why is she begging for death?.

  She removes the drip and the oxygen placed on her nose, that's where I intervene. I ran to her, placed the drip back, and placed the oxygen where it was before. I gave a resounding slap, my mum and Pamela stared at me.

     " Shut up okay, shut up. You ain't even think about me, if you die what will be my fate. Have you ever stopped to think of me? To think of your father, the one who nurtured you and made you who you are now. Have you? Do you think I will just stand and let you die? You are my life Avery and I can't watch you die. Just because of Angel and Joel you want to die, just because of the people you met years ago you want to take your life, just because of them you want to leave me that you have known all your life. Avery I never knew you could be inconsiderate, I never knew you could forget me, I never knew you never loved me. Where did I fail in your training? Where Avery? Where?",I said, tears where rushing like tap. I stood up and left, I left the hospital, I need to calm myself down before I love my daughter

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