Chapter 33.

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Avery's P. O. V

       We have a group chat on WhatsApp where we post latest event or where we want to meet. And Mil and I were misusing it to send each other crazy messages and the guys were complaining telling us to message each other privately since I and Mil are stubborn we made it worse. A message cut my eyes.

Lit Family 💝💎💓💕
Josh : Can we meet at our usual spot on Friday evening?

Charley: What for?

Bae: Maybe he wants to introduce his girlfriend.

Bestie: That will be amazing, finally he can stop playing girls.

Me: What time?

Josh:  so are you guys coming?(he ignored my message).

Bae : Bro what time?

Josh: 8 o'clock.

Bestie: But Avi asked you now you didn't answer.

Josh : I didn't see her message

Ex-crush: Okay bro, we will be there.

Bae: Speak for yourself Seb. I and Avery will come but we won't stay long.

Charley: why?

Bestie : they have a date.

Charley: huhhhh, so babe would you like to stay at my place.

Bestie: yeah sure.

Charley: I love you, babe

Bestie: I love you too

Me: ewwwww, stop that okay. You guys can DM each other about that.

Ex-crush: When you guys were saying creepy things I never knew girl will say, you didn't know right.

Bestie: did you just talk to Avery without insulting her.

Ex-crush: Maybe.....bye.

   I turned my data off and when I raised my head up, I found Mil looking at me.

  "What?", I asked.

    "What's going on between you and Josh?",she asked.

   " Nothing ",I said.

   " You swear "

    "Yes, I do"

     "On your late mum"

      "You actually want me to use my late mum to swear"

    "To prove you ain't lying....yes".

     " Fine.......I swear on Mils life that nothing is going on between Josh and I "

     " Hey,I said your mum not me".

      " You are crazy, I should use my mum to swear but I can't use you to swear",I smiled.

      "Whatever. Can we go and grab something already, I am hungry", Mil suggested.

    " You are always hungry.....fine let's go",I said and we stood up and left.

    When I and Mil were on our way to get something to eat we saw people gathering a spot, so we decided to check it out, if it isn't important we will leave. When we forced ourselves through the crowd,we saw two girls tackling a girl, so I and Mil decided to leave then we heard two girls gossiping.

   "The girl has no shame at all how would she hurt her sister", a girl said.

    " Her step sister ",the other said.

    " Even if, they are sharing the same mum",the first girl said.

    "They are sharing the same dad, the girl hates her sister for some reason"

   "Dawn and Mia will teach her a lesson of a life time", the other girl said.

Who is this unfortunate girl, Mia and Dawn wants to humiliate?

" Which girl please?",Mil asked.

   "Angel.....Angel Adebisi", the girl said.

     Mil didn't wait for them to explain it seems what they were saying was enough to want to kill her. I am ready to see her tear them apart.....who else can't wait?. I was also very angry, why would they want to beat her and then publicly.

      When I and Mil got there I dragged Angel out and kept her at my back.

      " Touch her if they born you well. I dare you to lay a finger on her",I said.

    "Get out of my sight Avery, our battle isn't with you, its with this betrayal of a girl", Mia said.

    " The girl you are referring to.... (I took a deep breath and continued) is my sister, my little sister. So its my business, it's my battle, so get out of my sight instead or you will regret creating a scene ",I said.

     " Don't think its like that day you had your way ",Dawn said.

    " Thank God you remembered, I can beat you again but this time around I will beat the shit out of you and no body will be able to save your sorry ass",I said.

    "I am here don't forget that", Mia said.

   " And who the hell are you supposed to be? ",I asked.

   " Your boyfriends younger sister, that's who I am and if you  lay a finger on her, we will beat the shit out of each other. Just imagine Joel reaction when he finds out that you hit his younger sister, he won't be happy about that",Mia threatened.

    "Good thing I am not dating your brother, so I will be the shit out of you", Mil said as she stood in front of Mia looking her straight in the eyes. I love this part of Mil, she's fearless, she won't attack you till you make the first move, just like me.

     Mia laughed. " Laugh all you want but I will have the last laugh either way. I dare you to lay a finger on Angel and you will know the kind of girl I am, I don't care about crowd, I never did,so nothing is stopping me from ripping you apart. ",Mil said.

     Mia stretched her hands and drew Angel,I looked at Mia and hit her hands off Angel. Mil punched her on the cheek and she fell to the ground. Mia stood up and pushed Mil, Mil rushed her with another punch and Mia did the same. Did I tell you Mil is good at punching while Mia is good at making mouth? Well I just did.

      Just like that they began to fight, Dawn was about coming to meet me before Angel threw her to the ground and they began to fight. Dawn was on top of Angel and she began to punch Angel, I felt angry. I drew Dawn off Angel,as I looked at Angel I saw her bleeding and that angered me more. I punched Dawn so bad that people began to separate us. I went to where Angel laid and drew her so we will go back to our lodge and Mil followed.


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