Chapter 16

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Avery's P. O. V

After Joshua kissed me,I couldn't help but feel embarrassed..... Yea,yea,yea, I enjoyed the kiss but what was he trying to prove. Was he trying to prove that I talk a lot or what.

What's up with guys, they treat me like I mean nothing, they treat me like a scumbag. First Seb ,second Emmanuel and now Joshua. Why can't they love me and treat me right? Why?

After I slammed the door,I locked the door and went straight to the bed so I could cry out my eye balls. Maybe dad's right,no man will ever be good enough for me.

As I was crying I heard a knock at the door,I ignored but the person was persistent.

"Go away", I yelled at the top of my lungs.

" Will you open the door? ",I heard Mil say. So I stood up and walked to the door lackadaisically. After I opened the door and ran back to the bed to continue from where I stopped.

    " What's wrong, Avi?",Mil asked as she locked the door.

   I was silent so she said again,"Okay,I am talking to a human. How will I know what's wrong if you don't tell me about it? ",Mil said.

    " I- it's Seb......(I sob) he pushed me....aaaandd spoke to me t-t-then",I stopped talking and I started crying profusely.

    "Then what?", Mil shouted.

    " Then his best friend kis-sed me",I cried,she was silent like she was in shock or something so I continued, "I am not angry because he kissed me .....I am angry because I don't know the agenda he had in mind while kissing me...... He avoids me like his best friend and treats me even worst. Today he is polite, sweet and caring while the next day he is cold,annoying and avoids me like I am some kind of pest. I hate guys Mil,I so hate guys", I yelled.

    Mil removed her heels and wore slippers,then she walked out of the room without looking at me. I stood up from the bed and followed her.


      " How dare you talk to Avi like that?",Mil yelled at Seb after we arrived at his apartment.

    "Talk to her like how? She bumped into me, ruining my outfit", Seb said.

    " Like any girl in her right sense can fall for someone like you", Mil said and Seb stared at me. At that point I wish the ground could open and swallow me.

    "What was her crime? Was her mistake loving you? Can't you treat her like the Queen that she is?", Mil asked angrily.

  " I didn't ask her for her love. I have told her to get over me but she turned deaf ears so how in heavens name is that my fault. She's isn't worth my love even if she was the last woman alive, I will rather remain single than hit on her",Seb said rudely.

    Tears began to roll down my cheeks,I felt my heart break into a million pieces. I felt weak,my knees were weak,so I rested against the wall for support. If anyone had told me Seb would say something like this I would have slapped the person.

    Mil looked at me and said,"I told you Seb wasn't worth it. I told you he would hurt you because that's what he is good at. I told you to stop loving someone who doesn't know your worth,I begged you to stop before you fall to deep, didn't I? (turning to Sebastian, she said) I regret having you as a brother"

    Mil and her brother went on and on,I could barely hear them. I was so hurt that all I could hear was Sebs words about me been worthless. When they were done, Mil came to where I was and dragged me to her lodge.



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